By default, your IP address is available to the public. Anyone on the internet can access your IP address and track your online activities. Some can even go as far as accessing your personal information through your IP address.
Some can even go as far as accessing your personal information through your IP address. Images source: Canva
Just the thought of your website being accessed by someone else is worrying. This is partly because you’re not sure of what they can do with the information they get.
Since you cannot operate without an IP address, it’s important to learn how to hide it from the public. There are many ways you can mask your IP address. One of these ways is choosing a high-level proxy server.
Table of Contents
Table of contents
What Is a Proxy Server and How Does It Work?
Your ISP and Proxy Server
Why Proxy Servers Matter
Filter restrictions
Web scraping
Fast Loading
But a major concern with security protocols is understanding how much they can protect you. A common question you might ask is, “Can my IP address be traced if I’m using a proxy server?”
The answer is no if you use high-level proxies. Proxies, such as SOCKS, offer the highest level of anonymity you could need. A SOCKS proxy has several features that make it difficult for third-parties to bypass. SOCKS proxies are fast, reliable, and convenient for protecting your online data.
What Is a Proxy Server and How Does It Work?
A proxy server is an internet protocol. It is the middle ground between you and your target website. It receives information on your behalf and uses a different IP address to relay the data to your target website.
A proxy server uses a different IP address every time it transmits a request. If, for example, a third-party wants to access your website, proxies ensure that they only go as far as accessing the proxies’ address. A unique IP address serves the purpose of ensuring all your online data is protected from cybercriminals.
Your ISP and Proxy Server
Internet Service Providers(ISP) play a major role in our online operations. An ISP is a company that offers internet services to online users. It creates connections such as cable modems, dial-ups, or wireless that enable people to communicate online.
An ISP is an essential online tool that also has its downside. It can view all your online activities. It can reveal the websites you visit, your location, or even record your timings. This information is critical since it can display your passwords, email, or other sensitive data.
For the ISP, this information can be sold to third-parties. ISPs can also transfer the data to advertising companies and government entities. The transfer of information can be normal operations for the ISP, but for your business, the sharing of the data can expose you to cybercriminals. This is especially so if irresponsible employees get their hands on sensitive data.
That’s why it’s recommended to have fast ISP proxy server that masks your online tracks and secures your data. A proxy server will limit the amount of information your ISP can access. Proxies will allow the ISPs to access information only relevant to their activities. The information mostly includes website traffic and timings.
Why Proxy Servers Matter
As you look to hide your online activities, it’s important to use a reliable protocol. A proxy server is excellent at ensuring your IP address cannot be traced.
Why Proxy Servers Matter. Images source: Canva
Proxy servers have various benefits, and here are a few:
It feels good to know you can visit various websites without revealing your identity. Anonymity serves the purpose of allowing you to carry out extensive online research. You can learn new concepts or create business plans without being marked as spam. With proxies, there are fewer chances of your website being blocked due to suspicious activities.
Filter restrictions
Your original IP address can restrict you from accessing content from certain regions. If, for example, you are in the U.S. and want to watch a program accessible to people in Australia, you can only do that through an intermediary.
Proxy servers have the benefits of bypassing restrictions. They create a different IP address that cannot be traced back to you. Proxies allow you to spread your wings and access information vital for the growth of your brand.
Web scraping
Proxy servers are excellent at hiding IP addresses. They are also great for extracting competitor data. With proxies, you can check promotions, pricing, clicks, and reviews on a competitor’s website.
You can also extract most information in record time. This is effective in ensuring you’re comparing your performances when they matter the most. You can tell what competitors are doing right and identify gaps in their strategies. Web scraping, combined with proxies, offers the best opportunity to spy on competitors’ websites without revealing your identity.
The main reason you need to use a proxy server is to ensure your IP address cannot be traced. Proxy servers deliver the utmost security. Their paid versions offer advanced security that allows online users to surf safely.
Proxy servers also ensure there is zero chance of cybercriminals obtaining your personal information. Some proxies, such as the SSL proxy, go as far as ensuring your data is encrypted and decrypted during transmission.
Fast Loading
Internet connectivity determines how well you associate with people on your network. Apart from hiding your IP address, a proxy server is also excellent at offering fast load speeds.
Faster load speed is important since it boosts your productivity. Fast loadings also increase your network bandwidth. Large bandwidths ensure you receive more data at the same time.
Proxies also cache data making sure your device has little to do during subsequent searches. Web caching serves the purpose of increasing your network speeds and productivity.
If you have been on the fence about whether proxy servers are safe for hiding IP addresses, then this article dispels your fears. Proxy servers have various functions. Top of the list is making sure your IP address cannot be traced.
There are several challenges with operating proxies, but the benefits outweigh them all. Paid proxies are what every individual or company needs to function in a secure online world.