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5 Fixes Resolve WoW A Creche Divided Credit Bug Fast!

Experiencing the A Creche Divided credit bug in World of Warcraft? Follow these steps to quickly overcome the glitch and receive the deserved quest completion credit.

Fix 1: Return to Viridia

If you completed the A Creche Divided quest without receiving credit, return to Viridia in Ardenweald. This simple action may prompt proper credit. Follow these steps:

  1. Travel back to Viridia.
  2. Engage in a conversation with Viridia to check for credit.
  3. If it doesn’t work, log out and then log back in before speaking with Viridia again.

Resolve WoW A Creche Divided Credit Bug Fast!

Fix 2: Restart Questline Without Skipping

If returning to Viridia doesn’t fix the issue, consider restarting the entire questline from the beginning. Avoid skipping any quests or cutscenes, as skipping might trigger the bug to recur. Follow these steps:

  1. Abandon the A Creche Divided quest and start the questline anew.
  2. Complete all quests and cutscenes in the correct order without skipping anything.
  3. If you’ve already finished the questline, try redoing it on a different character or with a friend to check if this triggers the credit.

Fix 3: Solo Redo After Abandoning

If the bug persists, abandon the quest and try completing it solo. This approach may sometimes facilitate the proper awarding of credit.

Fix 4: Restart Game and Verify Server Status

If the credit bug persists, it might be a temporary server issue. Address this by restarting the game and checking the server status. Follow these steps:

  1. Exit World of Warcraft and close the launcher.
  2. Wait for a few minutes, then reopen the launcher.
  3. Check the server status by selecting “Server Status” from the “Region/Account” dropdown menu.
  4. If the server is “In Maintenance” or “In Progress,” wait until it’s back online before attempting the quest again.
  5. Restart World of Warcraft and try the quest once more.

Fix 5: Await Official Resolution for A Creche Divided Credit Bug

If none of the mentioned solutions work, await an official fix from Blizzard. Stay updated on the World of Warcraft forums for announcements or patch notes addressing the A Creche Divided credit bug. If no official fix is released, submit a bug report to Blizzard and patiently await a response.

By diligently following these steps, you significantly improve your chances of resolving the A Creche Divided credit bug in World of Warcraft. Persistence is crucial when dealing with these types of bugs. Best of luck, and may your adventures in Azeroth proceed without any further hitches!

Also read: 4 Quick Fixes Resolve WoW Classic Bagnon Addon Glitches