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5 Quick Fixes to Unlock Facebook Ad Account “Temporary hold unsuccessful”

Encountered the frustration of a disabled Facebook ad account with a ‘Temporary Hold Unsuccessful’ error? You’re not alone. This common issue disrupts marketing strategies, impacting business goals.

This blog dissects ad account disablement causes, dives into the ‘temporary hold unsuccessful’ error, and delivers a comprehensive guide to tackle and resolve this persistent issue.

5 Quick Fixes to Unlock Facebook Ad Account "Temporary hold unsuccessful"

Fix 1: Ensure Payment Method Validity

Refer to Facebook’s official help page on resolving disabled ad accounts due to payment failures on Meta. It provides detailed guidance on selecting a valid payment method.

Fix 2: Clear Outstanding Amount

  1. Access your ad account on platforms like Facebook Ads Manager or Google Ads.
  2. Navigate to the billing/payment settings within your ad account dashboard.
  3. Check for any outstanding balance.
  4. Look for a “Pay Now” option and choose your preferred payment method (credit card, debit card, bank transfer, etc.).
  5. Follow prompts to confirm and complete the transaction.
  6. Upon successful payment, you’ll receive a confirmation of the processed transaction.

Fix 3: Ensure Adequate Funds

  1. Log into your online banking or app to confirm sufficient funds.
  2. For credit cards, ensure the available credit exceeds your expected ad spend to avoid transaction declines.
  3. Consider pending transactions impacting available funds temporarily.
  4. Stay vigilant for bank alerts regarding low balances, potential overdrafts, or declined transactions.

Fix 4: Add New Payment Method

  1. Access your ad account on platforms like Facebook Ads Manager or Google Ads.
  2. Go to billing/payment settings and look for “Add Payment Method” or similar.
  3. Enter details for the new payment method (credit card, bank account, etc.).
  4. Review and confirm the addition, awaiting a confirmation message upon successful addition.

Fix 5: Appeal Process for Disabled Facebook Ad Account

  1. Log into your Facebook ad account and access the Ad Account Quality page.
  2. Search for the appeal or review request option.
  3. Follow instructions, providing relevant details and supporting evidence.
  4. Submit your appeal by following the designated process, potentially clicking “Submit.”

Also read: Ultimate Guide to Unlock Restricted Facebook Account Fast