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[Solved] How to Fix Microsoft OneDrive “Your PC isn’t connected to the internet. (Error Code 0x800c0005)”

Error message Your PC isn’t connected to the internet. (Error Code 0x800c0005) prompted although the PC has connected to the internet. Follow the below simple workaround steps to resolve this error.

Your PC isn’t connected to the internet. (Error Code 0x800c0005)

Your PC isn’t connected to the internet. (Error Code 0x800c0005)

Table of contents

Workaround #1: OneDrive for Business or Personal
Workaround #2: Ask System Administrator to remove the restrictions
Workaround #3: Disable Firewall
Workaround #4: Disable Proxy via registry

Workaround #1: OneDrive for Business or Personal

Make sure you are not using AD account or connect to the corporate network when login to personal OneDrive account because some policy will restrict any activity which is not allowed to connect to the internet.

Workaround #2: Ask System Administrator to remove the restrictions

If you are using OneDrive for Business, contact System Administrator to check if there are any network restrictions of the connection to OneDrive for Business.

Workaround #3: Disable Firewall

Remove or disable any Windows Defender Firewall Outbound Rules that block OneDrive connection.

Workaround #4: Disable Proxy via registry

Step 1: Open Registry Editor and navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

Step 2: Create a new DWORD named it as EnableAutoproxyResultCache and set the Value data as 0 to disable Automatic Proxy Caching.

Step 3: Restart your PC.