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Cheat Sheet of All the Essential Skype Keyboard Shortcuts on Windows or macOS

Skype has been around since 2003 as a great and consistent choice for voice and video calls available on lots of devices for you to call your friend on a Macbook or Windows 10 PC. In this article, we have put together all the Skype keyboard shortcuts you could ever need for macOS and Windows.

Cheat Sheet of All the Essential Skype Keyboard Shortcuts on Windows or macOS

Cheat Sheet of All the Essential Skype Keyboard Shortcuts on Windows or macOS

ActionShortcut (Windows)Shortcut (macOS)
Open contactsAlt + 2Command + Shift + C
Start new conversationsCtrl + NCommand + N
Add people conversationCtrl + Shift + ACommand + Shift + A
Show conversation profileCtrl + PCommand + I
New group chatCtrl + GCommand + G
Send a fileCtrl + Shift + FCommand + Shift + F
Focus the message composerAlt + Shift + EControl + Shift + E
Edit the last message sentUp arrowCommand + Shift + E
Search within the selected conversationCtrl + FCommand + F
Multi-select messagesCtrl + Shift + LCommand + Shift + L
Archive selected conversationCtrl + Shift + ECommand + E
Mark as unreadCtrl + Shift + UCommand + Shift + U
Next conversationCtrl + TabControl + Tab
Previous conversationCtrl + Shift + TabCommand + Shift + Tab
Navigate to recent chatsAlt + 1Option + 1
Search for all contacts, messages, and botsCtrl + Shift + SCommand + Option + F
Open notification panelCtrl + ICommand + Shift + O
Open galleryCtrl + Shift + GCommand + Shift + G
Launch dial padCtrl + DCommand + 2
Answer incoming callCtrl + Shift + PCommand + Shift + R
Hang upCtrl + Shift + HCommand + Shift + H
Start video callCtrl + Shift + KCommand + Shift + K
Start an audio callCtrl + Shift + PCommand + Shift + R
Toggle muteCtrl + MCommand + Shift + M
Toggle cameraCtrl + Shift + KCommand + Shift + K
Resize camera previewCtrl + Shift + JCommand + Shift + J
Add people to callCtrl + Shift + ACommand + Shift + A
Take a snapshotCtrl + SCommand + S
Zoom inCtrl + Shift + PlusCommand + Shift + Plus
Zoom outCtrl + MinusCommand + Minus
View actual sizeCtrl + ZeroCommand + Zero
Open app settingsCtrl + CommaCommand + Comma
Open themesCtrl + TCommand + T
Toggle between light and dark modeCtrl + Shift + TCommand + Shift + T
Send feedbackCtrl + OCommand + Option + O
Open Help in the default browserCtrl + HControl + H
Close windows (split view)Ctrl + WCommand + W
Skype Keyboard Shortcuts on Windows or macOS