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How to Record Audio and Video from Android Camera Using FFmpeg

  • The article explains how to use FFmpeg to record audio and video from Android camera and save it to a file or stream it to a media server.
  • The article shows how to specify the camera index, video size, frame rate, pixel format, audio source, video codec, audio codec, and other options for the FFmpeg command.
  • The article also provides some tips and tricks for listing the available devices and formats, choosing the encoding preset and quality, and running FFmpeg commands in a background service or a cross-platform app.

FFmpeg is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used to manipulate audio and video files in various ways. One of the features of FFmpeg is that it can capture input from different devices, such as webcams, microphones, and cameras. In this article, we will show you how to use FFmpeg to record audio and video from your Android camera and save it to a file or stream it to a media server.

The Problem: FFmpeg Cannot Record Audio When Using Android Camera

If you have tried to use FFmpeg to record audio and video from your Android camera, you may have encountered a problem: the recorded file has no audio, or the audio is distorted or out of sync. This is because the Android camera input device (-f android_camera) does not support capturing audio by default. You need to specify the audio source separately using the -i option.

For example, if you want to record a 10-second video from your front camera and save it to a file, you may use a command like this:

ffmpeg -y -f android_camera -camera_index 1 -video_size hd720 -framerate 30 -t 10 out.mp4

However, this command will only capture the video, not the audio. To capture the audio as well, you need to add another input source after the camera input. For example, you can use the OpenSL ES input device (-f opensles) to capture the audio from the default microphone:

ffmpeg -y -f android_camera -camera_index 1 -video_size hd720 -framerate 30 -i anything -f opensles -i anything -t 10 out.mp4

Note that the -i anything option is required for both input devices, as FFmpeg expects an input name after each -i option. However, the name does not matter, as FFmpeg will ignore it and use the device specified by the -f option.

The Solution: How to Record Audio and Video from Android Camera Using FFmpeg

Now that we know how to capture both audio and video from the Android camera using FFmpeg, we can explore some more options and scenarios. Here are some examples of how to use FFmpeg to record audio and video from your Android camera:

To record a video from your back camera and save it to a file with H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec:

ffmpeg -y -f android_camera -camera_index 0 -video_size hd720 -framerate 30 -i anything -f opensles -i anything -c:v libx264 -c:a aac out.mp4

To record a video from your front camera and stream it to an RTSP server with MPEG-4 video codec and MP3 audio codec:

ffmpeg -y -f android_camera -camera_index 1 -video_size hd720 -framerate 30 -i anything -f opensles -i anything -c:v mpeg4 -c:a libmp3lame -f rtsp rtsp://server:port/path

To record a video from your back camera and save it to a file with VP8 video codec and Vorbis audio codec in a WebM container:

ffmpeg -y -f android_camera -camera_index 0 -video_size hd720 -framerate 30 -i anything -f opensles -i anything -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libvorbis out.webm

Tips and Tricks for Recording Audio and Video from Android Camera Using FFmpeg

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you improve the quality and performance of your recordings:

You can use the -list_devices true option before any input device to list all the available devices on your Android device. For example:

ffmpeg -list_devices true

This will show you something like this:

[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] Available cameras:
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] Camera 0, Facing back, Orientation 90
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] Camera 1, Facing front, Orientation 270
[opensles @ 0x7a2b6e8000] Available SLAudioRecorder devices:
[opensles @ 0x7a2b6e8000] SLAudioRecorderDeviceID=0;DeviceName=Default;DeviceConnection=unknown;DeviceScope=unknown;DeviceLocation=unknown;
[opensles @ 0x7a2b6e8000] SLAudioRecorderDeviceID=1;DeviceName=Microphone;DeviceConnection=built-in;DeviceScope=input;DeviceLocation=unknown;

You can use the -list_formats all option after the camera input device to list all the supported video formats and sizes for your camera. For example:

ffmpeg -f android_camera -camera_index 0 -list_formats all

This will show you something like this:

[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] Supported modes:
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] 4032x3024, pixel_format:yuv420p, min_fps:15, max_fps:30
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] 4032x2268, pixel_format:yuv420p, min_fps:15, max_fps:30
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] 3840x2160, pixel_format:yuv420p, min_fps:15, max_fps:30
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] 3264x2448, pixel_format:yuv420p, min_fps:15, max_fps:30
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] 3264x1836, pixel_format:yuv420p, min_fps:15, max_fps:30
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] 2688x1512, pixel_format:yuv420p, min_fps:15, max_fps:30
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] 2560x1440, pixel_format:yuv420p, min_fps:15, max_fps:30
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] 1920x1080, pixel_format:yuv420p, min_fps:15, max_fps:30
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] 1440x1080, pixel_format:yuv420p, min_fps:15, max_fps:30
[android_camera @ 0x7a2b6e8000] 1280x720, pixel_format:yuv420p, min_fps:15, max_fps:30

You can use the -video_size option to specify the video size for your camera input. For example:

ffmpeg -f android_camera -camera_index 1 -video_size hd720

This will use the video size of 1280×720 for the front camera.

You can use the -framerate option to specify the frame rate for your camera input. For example:

ffmpeg -f android_camera -camera_index 1 -framerate 30

This will use the frame rate of 30 for the front camera.

You can use the -pixel_format option to specify the pixel format for your camera input. For example:

ffmpeg -f android_camera -camera_index 1 -pixel_format bgr0

This will use the pixel format of bgr0 (32-bit RGB) for the front camera.

You can use the -preset option to specify the encoding preset for your output video codec. For example:

ffmpeg -f android_camera -camera_index 1 -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast

This will use the veryfast preset for the H.264 video codec. The preset affects the encoding speed and quality. The available presets are: ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium, slow, slower, veryslow, and placebo. The faster presets are less CPU-intensive but produce larger files. The slower presets are more CPU-intensive but produce smaller files.

You can use the -crf option to specify the constant rate factor for your output video codec. For example:

ffmpeg -f android_camera -camera_index 1 -c:v libx264 -crf 23

This will use a CRF of 23 for the H.264 video codec. The CRF affects the output quality and file size. The lower the CRF, the higher the quality and file size. The higher the CRF, the lower the quality and file size. The recommended range is between 18 and 28. The default value is 23.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are some frequently asked questions related to recording audio and video from Android camera using FFmpeg:

Question: How can I record audio and video from Android camera using FFmpeg in a background service?

Answer: You can use a library such as FFmpegKit or [MobileFFmpeg] to run FFmpeg commands in a background service on Android. These libraries provide a wrapper for FFmpeg and allow you to execute FFmpeg commands asynchronously in a separate thread. You can also monitor the progress and status of the commands using callbacks and listeners.

Question: How can I record audio and video from Android camera using FFmpeg in a Flutter app?

Answer: You can use a plugin such as [flutter_ffmpeg] or [flutter_ffmpeg_kit] to run FFmpeg commands in a Flutter app. These plugins provide a Dart interface for FFmpeg and allow you to execute FFmpeg commands synchronously or asynchronously in your Flutter app. You can also access the output and error logs of the commands using streams and events.

Question: How can I record audio and video from Android camera using FFmpeg in a React Native app?

Answer: You can use a module such as [react-native-ffmpeg] or [react-native-ffmpeg-kit] to run FFmpeg commands in a React Native app. These modules provide a JavaScript interface for FFmpeg and allow you to execute FFmpeg commands synchronously or asynchronously in your React Native app. You can also access the output and error logs of the commands using promises and events.


This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. The author is not responsible for any damages or losses caused by the use of FFmpeg or any of the libraries, plugins, or modules mentioned in this article. The user is solely responsible for verifying the correctness and legality of their actions. The user should always test their commands before using them in production environments. The user should also consult the official documentation of FFmpeg and the respective libraries, plugins, or modules for more information and details.