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How to Install macOS Apps without App Store?

Step outside the Mac App Store and learn how to safely download and install macOS apps from various sources. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough on sideloading apps on your Mac.

macOS offers the flexibility to venture beyond Apple’s walled garden, allowing you to download apps from a variety of sources. This guide will walk you through the process of sideloading apps on your Mac, and discuss the safety considerations involved.

How to Install macOS Apps without App Store?

Installing Apps in DMG Format

Most apps downloaded outside the App Store come in the DMG format—an Apple Disk Image. To install these apps, double-click the file and drag the app icon into the Applications folder in the window that opens. Once the app is copied, eject the Disk Image by right-clicking the icon and selecting “Eject”.

Installing Apps in DMG Format

Installing Apps in PKG Format

Some apps come in the PKG format, similar to a Windows-style installer. To install these, double-click the icon and follow the onscreen instructions. Unless you have specific requirements, you can accept all the default settings.

Installing Apps in PKG Format

Other Methods to Install a Mac App

Smaller Mac apps might come in the ZIP format. For these, unzip the file to reveal the app, then drag the app into the Applications folder. If you’re using a game store/launcher like Steam or Epic, locate the game in your library and click the “Install” button.

Running an App Installed From Outside the Mac App Store

Once installed, you can find the app through Launchpad or the Applications folder in Finder. You can also drag the app onto the dock for easy access. When you run it for the first time, Apple’s Gatekeeper tool will check that the app comes from a registered developer, has been notarized, and has not been tampered with. It will ask you to confirm you want to launch the app, so click “Open.” This step is not required for subsequent launches.

Running an App Installed From Outside the Mac App Store

Opening an App From an Unknown Developer

Sometimes, the app you download may come from a developer that isn’t registered with Apple. By default, macOS will not launch these apps. However, you can override this by going to System Settings > Privacy & Security, scrolling down to the Security section, and clicking “Open Anyway.” This should only be done if you trust the developer and know where the app has come from, as there’s no malware protection if you bypass this setting.

Opening an App From an Unknown Developer


In most cases, it’s safe to install Mac apps from outside the App Store. It’s even the only way to get some of the most popular apps and games. Just ensure you download them from the official website or a known source to avoid any potential issues.