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6 Simple Steps to Acquire and Use Foxparks Flamethrower in Palworld

In Palworld, Foxparks is a captivating Pal with a fiery appearance featuring red-orange fur, black-tipped ears and tail, and crimson-red eyes. Despite its adorable charm, its uncontrolled fire antics, like accidental sneezing flames, can lead to unexpected challenges.

Game Caution

Players must exercise caution as Foxparks’ sneezes can trigger unintended forest fires. This adds an element of excitement and unpredictability to the Palworld experience, making Foxparks both endearing and a potential source of in-game challenges.

How to Acquire and Use Foxparks Flamethrower in Palworld

How to to get the Foxparks’ Flamethrower Harness

To acquire and use Foxparks’ Flamethrower in Palworld, follow these straightforward steps:

Step 1: Capture Foxparks

Locate and capture Foxparks around Grassy Behemoth Hills or other areas. They are not too rare, making them easy to find.

Step 2: Collect Flame Organs

Capture multiple Foxparks to gather Flame Organs, essential for crafting the Flamethrower.

Step 3: Research Recipes

Research three recipes: Pal Gear Workbench, Foxparks’ Harness, and Cloth.

Step 4: Craft Foxparks Flamethrower

With materials (15 Paldium Fragments, four Wool, 30 Wood, three Leather, and five Flame Organs) and at least level six, craft the Foxparks Flamethrower at the Pal Gear Workbench.

Step 5: Equip Foxparks Harness

After crafting, find the Foxparks Harness in your Key Items inventory. Set Foxparks as an active Pal.

Step 6: Activate Flamethrower

Go outside your base, summon Foxparks, and press the designated key (F on the keyboard or X on the controller) to activate the Flamethrower. Enjoy burning things, but be mindful of the limited duration.

Activate Flamethrower

Watch as your enemies, trees, buildings, and even your own pals go up in flames! Be careful not to burn yourself or your friends, though. The Flamethrower Harness is a powerful and awesome weapon that can make your Palworld adventure more exciting and thrilling!