Microsoft PowerPoint is the best way to create, edit, and present dynamic presentations for school, college, work, or any function. It’s powerful software, but you want to spend your time perfecting the content of the presentation rather than fiddling around in menus.
Cheat Sheet of Microsoft PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows
That’s why we’ve put together this list of keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows. It contains all the PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts you’re going to need.
Table of Contents
Table of contents
Creating presentations
Creating presentations
New presentation | Ctrl + N |
New slide | Ctrl + M |
Save presentation | Ctrl + S |
Insert picture | Alt + N, P |
Insert shape | Alt + N, S, H |
Slide layout | Alt + H, L |
Next slide | Page down |
Previous slide | Page up |
Move selected slide up | Ctrl + Up |
Move selected slide down | Ctrl + Down |
Move selected slide to the beginning | Ctrl + Shift + Up |
Move selected slide to the end | Ctrl + Shift + Down |
Home tab | Alt + H |
Insert tab | Alt + N |
Add comment | Ctrl + N |
Reply to comment | Ctrl + R |
Close PowerPoint | Ctrl + Q |
File | Alt + F |
Home | Alt + H |
Insert | Alt + N |
Design | Alt + G |
Transitions | Alt + K |
Animations | Alt + A |
Slide Show | Alt + S |
Review | Alt + R |
View | Alt + W |
Help | Alt + Y |
Start the presentation from beginning | F5 |
Start the presentation from the current slide | Shift + F5 |
Start the presentation in Presenter View | Alt + F5 |
Next animation/slide | N |
Previous animation/slide | P |
Display black slide | B |
Display white slide | W |
Stop/restart an automatic presentation | S |
Go to the slide number specified | Number, then Enter |
To the first slide | Home |
To the last slide | End |
Set timings | T |
Record narration and timing | R |
Play/pause media | Alt + P |
Stop media | Alt + Q |
Increase volume | Alt + Up |
Decrease volume | Alt + Down |
Mute | Alt + U |
Cycle hotspot | Tab |
Context menu | Shift + F10 |
Show taskbar | Ctrl + T |
End presentation | Esc |