Hackers are conducting phishing email attacks on World of Warcraft (WoW) gamers using two types of emails to steal login credentials by making them believe they have won free in-game pets (Battlepaw and Mystic Runesaber) followed by a link to claim it by putting Blizzard account login credentials.
Scam email content as below:
You are receiving this e-mail because your friend has purchased World of Warcraft In-Game Pet: Brightpaw for you as a gift!
Claim Your Gift
To claim your gift, enter your Gift Key on the Battle.net? Account Management. You’ll be sent to the download page afterward if needed.
Blizzard Entertainment?
Phishing emails claim a friend has purchased in-game pet and offers WoW players the chance to get it for free. While one version of the phishing email claims to offer players the chance to grab Brightpaw, the second claims gamers will receive free Mystic Runesaber mount.
Keen Warcraft players will notice the email is branded with Battle(dot)net, the name of Blizzard’s online gaming service – but this name has just been retired, which may well set off a few alarm bells,
Feel free to ignore this one and send it straight to your trash folder, there’s no free pets at the end of this path, just headaches and calls to customer support,
Malwarebyes’ malware intelligence analyst Christopher Boyd writes.
Doing so will help reveal whether a friendly companion or tech support frustration await on the other end of a URL,