If you find yourself in an emergency situation and encounter the “can’t make calls” error, here’s the easiest and most reliable way to make emergency calls:
- Restart Your Phone: In any phone-related issue, the first step is to restart your phone. This simple action can often resolve network and connectivity problems.
- Use Internet-Based Calling Apps: If restarting your phone doesn’t work, you can still make emergency calls using internet-based calling apps. Apps like WhatsApp, Messenger, Skype, and Viber allow you to make voice calls over Wi-Fi or mobile data.
To make an emergency call using these apps, follow these steps:
Step 1: Ensure you have an active internet connection (Wi-Fi or mobile data).
Step 2: Open the app (e.g., WhatsApp or Messenger).
Step 3: Locate the contact you need to call and initiate a voice call.
Step 4: Clearly state your emergency and provide your location to the recipient.
It’s important to note that while these apps can be a valuable backup for making emergency calls, they are not a replacement for traditional emergency services like 911. Whenever possible, use your phone’s regular calling functionality for emergency situations.
By following these steps, you can quickly and effectively make emergency calls even if you encounter the “can’t make calls” error on your phone.