Are you tired of being chased by the Palpagos Islands Defense Force (PIDF) in Palworld? Do you want to enjoy the game without worrying about the consequences of your actions? If so, you need to know how to get rid of the Wanted status in Palworld.
The Wanted status is a system that tracks your criminal activities in Palworld. The more crimes you commit, the higher your Wanted level becomes. The PIDF will hunt you down and try to arrest you or kill you. You can see your Wanted level on the top-right corner of the screen.
To get rid of the Wanted status, you have three options: die, run, or fight. Each option has its pros and cons, depending on your situation and preference. Here’s how to use each option:
Table of Contents
Method 1: Die and Clear Your Record
The easiest way to get rid of the Wanted status is to die. When you die, your Wanted level will reset to zero. However, you will also lose all the items you were carrying. You can recover them by going back to where you died, but you might encounter the PIDF again.
To die, you can either let the PIDF kill you or kill yourself. You can kill yourself by jumping off a cliff, drowning in water, or using explosives. This option is good if you don’t care about your items or if you want to start fresh.
Method 2: Run and Evade
The second way to get rid of the Wanted status is to run away. When you run away, you need to avoid the PIDF and hide until they lose track of you. Your Wanted level will gradually decrease over time, until it reaches zero.
To run away, you need to use the terrain to your advantage. You can climb up or down cliffs, cross rivers or lakes, or hide behind trees or rocks. The PIDF will have a harder time following you if you use these tactics. This option is good if you want to keep your items or if you don’t want to fight.
Method 3: Fight and Survive
The third way to get rid of the Wanted status is to fight back. When you fight back, you need to kill the PIDF and any witnesses of your crimes. If no one sees you committing a crime, you won’t get a Wanted level. If you kill all the PIDF chasing you, you can escape more easily.
To fight back, you need to use your weapons and Pals. You can shoot, stab, or punch the PIDF, or use your Pals to attack them. You can also use explosives or traps to deal more damage. This option is good if you enjoy combat or if you want to challenge yourself.
Choose Your Option Now to Get Rid of the Wanted Status
You know how to get rid of the Wanted status in Palworld. You can choose to die, run, or fight, depending on your situation and preference. Each option has its benefits and drawbacks, so weigh them carefully before you decide. Remember, the PIDF won’t stop until they catch you, so be careful and have fun!