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Ultimate SEO Checklist To Get Your Website More Traffic

If you are looking to launch a new website, you’ve probably thought about how to do it smartly. When you’re looking for the answer on how to improve your search engine visibility, you will find that there are several things that you need to do.

As you’re probably already aware, SEO is an essential part of driving traffic to your website. Understanding the best practices of SEO is essential for any site to rank well in search engines. A lot of people ask me how they can become a great SEO and make a living off of it. I can’t tell you all there is to know about SEO, but I can give you a list of things that you can do on your own to get more traffic to your blog. I’m going to give you a basic SEO checklist to help you be on the right track while you’re building your site.

The Ultimate SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Checklist To Get Your Website More Traffic

If you want to learn how to make your site more visible in the search engine results, check out our SEO checklist. This blog post is intended to be a basic guide, but there’s plenty of information to get you started. Keep in mind, though, that you should always tailor your tactics to your website’s goals and design.

Search Engine Optimization – a big word that poses a black box for many. While we all have the same goal, rank on number 1 in the Google results, people have different understandings on how to reach it, what factors influence the efforts and how to manage SEO activities in the long run.

To establish common ground, we put together a list of do’s and don’ts, covering the whole range of SEO activities and circumstantial adjustments. No matter if you are an experienced SEO vet or just at the very beginning of your SEO journey – make sure you are aware of many – often-overlooked – factors that can seriously affect your ranking.

This article provides you with a comprehensive collection of tips, tricks, and best practices that help you to optimize and streamline your SEO efforts. The guide covers a wide range of important SEO aspects from A to Z that we recommend you consider – for an efficient and targeted SEO strategy. We put together 91 SEO tips in eight chapters: The Foundation, User Experience, Performance, Technical SEO, Content, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, and Local SEO.

Bonus: Setup your first WordPress website

  • Install a WordPress Blog on Amazon Web Service (AWS) with 12 Free Months
  • Install a WordPress Blog on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with $300 Free Credits
  • How to Pick and Install a Theme for your WordPress Website
  • How to assign your domain to your AWS using Cloudflare
  • How to assign your domain to your Google Cloud Platform using Cloudflare
  • How to assign your domain to your AWS using GoDaddy
  • How to assign your domain to your Google Cloud Platform using GoDaddy
  • Backup and restore a WordPress website


This is it! We hope that this guide expanded your SEO knowledge and that you found our tips helpful! We are aware many of these chapters have only scratched the surface while the underlying topic could fill many pages itself. However, this would go beyond the scope of our guide – see it as a starting point to dig deeper wherever you feel the need to!