How do I to open the Google Chrome browser History file located in the path below: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
Answer 1
The Google Chrome History file is a SQLite file which you can use the following free tool to view the content in SQLite databases:
- SQLiteStudio
- Generic GUI like HeidiSQL
- DB Browser for SQLite: Simple tool to view the History database tables, and their content.
- SQLite administration | SQLite Expert: More powerful tool allows SQL building and solid data viewer to see the tables and data.
Note: Execute the following SQL command to convert the Chrome time stamps to a more meaningful date time:
select datetime(Last_visit_time / 1000000 + (strftime('%s', '1601-01-01')), 'unixepoch', 'localtime') LastVisitTime, * from urls;
Answer 2
Login at the user and open chrome://history/ in the Chrome browser to view the Chrome history page.
Answer 3
Google Chrome browser only keeps 90 days of History. If you want to go back further, there are some extensions to achieve this but they can’t go back prior to their installation naturally.
Answer 4
Google lets you see the history on the web too unless you turn that off, visit here:
Where is Chrome browser history stored?
Chrome history file location
Chrome history location
Where Chrome history stored?