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Solved: How do I configure PowerPoint to loop continuously thru slides while playing song


I like to put a few images in the PowerPoint slides and attach an audio song to it that lasts long. How can I configure it to loop continuously thru the images in a slideshow while the song continues to play?


To set the presentation to loop, go to Slide Show > Set Up Slide Show, check the Loop continuously until ‘Esc’ option.

To set the presentation to loop, go to Slide Show > Set Up Slide Show, check the Loop continuously until 'Esc' option.

With your audio, go to Playback, check the Play Across Slides option, choose On Click for Start option, and uncheck the Hide During Show option.

When you start the show, click on the audio icon and the music will play continuously in the background as your pictures loop.

You can give the audio icon shape a fill color, then choose the Format Picture > Picture > Picture Transparency to make the speaker icon invisible. If you set the Transparency to 100%, you can hide it. As long as you know where to click.

If you set the Transparency to 100%, you can hide it