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Solved: How do I fix Bluetooth mouse stopped working when connected Samsung Galaxy Tab S7/S7+ Book Cover Keyboard?

Problem Symptom: The user reported when connecting the Logitech M720 Bluetooth mouse in Bluetooth mode, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 refused to connect as long as the Book Cover Keyboard was attached. Disconnect the Book Cover Keyboard, Logitech M720 Bluetooth mouse works again.

Recent One UI 3 software update rollout for Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 and S7+ caused problems to those who use a Bluetooth mouse and Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 Book Cover Keyboard. Bluetooth mouse stop working immediately once the user connects Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 Book Cover Keyboard to Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 or S7+. The Bluetooth mouse will resume working again once the Book Cover Keyboard disconnected.

Follow the below solution steps to resolve the Bluetooth mouse stopped working issue when connected Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 Book Cover Keyboard.

Potential Causes

Wireless Keyboard Sharing function enabled by default after installing Samsung One UI 3.1 update or above, Book Cover Keyboard will act as Bluetooth devices and causing connected Bluetooth mouse to stop working.

Samsung One UI 3.1 with Wireless Keyboard Sharing function.

Solution 1: Turn off Wireless Keyboard Sharing

Step 1: Press the cmd (command) + Lang (Language) keys together.

Press the cmd (command) + Lang (Language) keys together.

Step 2: After turn off Wireless Keyboard Sharing, you will be able to use your Bluetooth mouse and Book Cover Keyboard for GalaxyTab S7 and S7+ together but you won’t be able to use the book cover keyboard with your phone.

Solution 2: Use USB receiver for Bluetooth mouse

Plugin a USB receiver and use the mouse as a USB device.


Samsung tablet bluetooth mouse