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Salesforce AI Associate: How Data Quality Impacts the Trustworthiness of AI-Driven Decisions

Learn how data quality, which is a measure of how well the data meets the requirements and expectations of the users and the systems that use it, impacts the trustworthiness of AI-driven decisions, which are decisions generated by artificial intelligence systems, such as machine learning and deep learning models.

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How does data quality impact the trustworthiness of Al-driven decisions?

A. The use of both low-quality and high-quality data can improve the accuracy and reliability of AI-driven decisions.
B. High-quality data improves the reliability and credibility of Al-driven decisions, fostering trust among users.
C. Low-quality data reduces the risk of overfitting the model, improving the trustworthiness of the predictions.


B. High-quality data improves the reliability and credibility of Al-driven decisions, fostering trust among users.


The correct answer is B. High-quality data improves the reliability and credibility of Al-driven decisions, fostering trust among users. Data quality is a measure of how well the data meets the requirements and expectations of the users and the systems that use it. Data quality can be assessed by various dimensions, such as accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness, validity, and relevance. High-quality data means that the data is accurate, complete, consistent, timely, valid, and relevant for the intended purpose and context. Low-quality data means that the data is inaccurate, incomplete, inconsistent, outdated, invalid, or irrelevant for the intended purpose and context.

Data quality impacts the trustworthiness of AI-driven decisions, as it affects the performance, accuracy, and reliability of the AI systems that generate them. AI systems, such as machine learning and deep learning models, rely heavily on the data used for training, validation, and testing. If the data is of high quality, the AI systems can learn from it effectively and efficiently, and produce accurate and reliable decisions that match the reality and the expectations of the users. If the data is of low quality, the AI systems can suffer from various issues, such as errors, biases, anomalies, or overfitting, and produce inaccurate or unreliable decisions that deviate from the reality and the expectations of the users.

Trustworthiness is a key factor for the adoption and acceptance of AI-driven decisions, as it influences the confidence and satisfaction of the users and the stakeholders. Users and stakeholders are more likely to trust and use AI-driven decisions if they are based on high-quality data, as they can verify and validate the results and outcomes, and understand the rationale and logic behind them. Users and stakeholders are less likely to trust and use AI-driven decisions if they are based on low-quality data, as they can doubt and question the results and outcomes, and lack the transparency and explainability of them.

Therefore, high-quality data improves the reliability and credibility of AI-driven decisions, fostering trust among users, while low-quality data reduces the reliability and credibility of AI-driven decisions, eroding trust among users.

High-quality data improves the reliability and credibility of AI-driven decisions, fostering trust among users. High-quality data means that the data is accurate, complete, consistent, relevant, and timely for the AI task. High-quality data can improve the performance and reliability of AI systems, as they have enough and correct information to learn from and make accurate predictions. High-quality data can also improve the trustworthiness of AI-driven decisions, as users can have more confidence and satisfaction in using AI systems.

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