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Royale High Dream Dust Eveningfall Halo 2024 Answers for Nightmare Fountain

The Royale High Dream Dust Eveningfall Halo 2024 event is here, and with it comes a Dream Dust Eveningfall Halo 2024. Are you ready to dive into the spooktacular world of the Dream Dust Eveningfall Halo 2024 event? Well, buckle up because I’ve got all the juicy details you need to boost your chances of snagging that coveted Dream Dust Halo!

Royale High Dream Dust Eveningfall Halo 2024 Answers for Nightmare Fountain

We collected all possible Royalloween Halo Fountain Answers 2024 in Royale High that offers a chance to win Dream Dust Halo.

Amber_VD: Option C, D (tho C is recommended)

Desxloation: Option B


swagerchick3: Option D

JULDIOOI/rheemuah: Option C, B (tho C is recommended)

UPDATE: 3.9.24

KaiyomizuKurayami: Option B

Starxstral/CatsAreTheBest1744: Option D

SophieOfTheStars: Option A

also there is Option B if ur story is ab “going on a quest”.

UPDATE 4.9.24

7PurpleStrike7: Option A

UPDATE: 7.9.24

Happyisthebestthing4/Omegagirl228: Option A

Nightmare by 1eventis (Potions)

Option A: Either Diamonds or nothing
Option B: Either EXP, Diamonds, or nothing
Option C: More chances of obtaining EXP than Diamonds
Option D: Either Diamonds or nothing

Nightmare by 7PurpleStrike7 (Missing Luna)

Option A: Nothing
Option B: Diamonds
Option C: Diamonds or EXP
Option D: Either Diamonds, EXP, or nothing

Dark Dungeon Nightmare by Amber_VD (Dungeon)

Option A: EXP
Option B: Diamonds or EXP
Option C: Halo, Diamonds, or EXP
Option D: Halo or EXP

Spider Home Nightmare by CN_KittyCat (Spider)

Option A: Either Diamonds or nothing
Option B: Either Diamonds, EXP, or nothing
Option C: Either EXP or nothing
Option D: EXP

Nightmare Story by desxloation (Magical Items)

Option A: Either EXP or Diamonds
Option B: Either Halo, EXP, or nothing
Option C: Either Diamonds or nothing
Option D: Either EXP or nothing

Nightmare Story by edoveweiss

Option A: Either Diamonds or EXP
Option B: Either EXP or Diamonds
Option C: Nothing
Option D: Diamonds

Nightmare by Happyisthebestng4 / Omegagirl228 (Mysterious Tent)

Option A: Either EXP, Diamonds, or nothing
Option B: Diamonds
Option C: Either Diamonds or nothing
Option D: Either EXP or nothing

Nightmare by JULDIOOI / rheemuah

Option A: Either Diamonds or EXP
Option B: Either Halo or Diamonds
Option C: Either Halo, Diamonds or nothing
Option D: Either Diamonds or nothing

Nightmare by KaiyomizuKurayami Buy a pumpkin (Spider Web)

Option A: Either Diamonds or nothing
Option B: Either Halo, Diamonds, or EXP
Option C: Either Diamonds or nothing

Clumsy girl Bakery Nightmare by leheavyestmort (Waiting in line)

Option A: Either Diamonds or nothing
Option B: Either EXP or Diamonds
Option C: Either EXP or Diamonds

Dark fairy clique Nightmare by NICE_ALWAYS

Option A: Either Halo, Diamonds, or EXP
Option B: Either EXP or Diamonds
Option C: EXP
Option D: Either Diamonds or nothing

Nightmare by SophieOfTheStars

Option A: Either Halo, Diamonds, or EXP
Option B: Nothing
Option C: Either Diamonds or nothing
Option D: EXP

Nightmare by Starxstral / CatsAreTheBest1744

Option A: Nothing
Option B: Either EXP, Diamonds, or nothing
Option C: Nothing
Option D: Either Halo or EXP

Nightmare Story by swaggerchick3 (Tunnels) 

Option A: Either Diamonds or nothing
Option B: EXP
Option C: Either EXP, Diamonds, or nothing
Option D: Either Halo, Diamonds, or nothing

Nightmare Story by Velioroth + l0wk3y_mi4 (Paths)

Option A: Either EXP or nothing
Option B: Either Diamonds or nothing
Option C: Nothing
Option D: EXP

Let’s talk probability. I won’t sugarcoat it – the odds of getting a Halo are pretty darn low at just 0.1%. But hey, that doesn’t mean you can’t try your luck! And guess what? Even if you don’t get it on your first attempt, you can give it another go after a couple of hours. Persistence is key, my friend!

Now, let’s get down to business. To make a wish at the Nightmare Fountain, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Fire up Royale High on your device of choice (PC, Mobile, PlayStation, or Xbox).
  2. Make your way to the central server lobby.
  3. Spot that spooky dark nightmare fountain at the entrance? That’s your ticket to Halo town!
  4. Interact with the fountain, and you’ll be whisked away into a random storyline.
  5. Use the handy-dandy chart I’ve provided to answer the questions correctly and maximize your Halo-winning potential!

But wait, there’s more! Did you know that you can actually win a Halo twice? Talk about double the excitement!

Now, I know you’re probably wondering, “How long will this magnificent Dream Dust Halo grace us with its presence?” Well, based on previous Halo patterns, I’d say you can expect this bewitching beauty to stick around until December 2024, when the Christmas/Winter Halo typically makes its grand entrance. But don’t quote me on that – the developers might have some tricks up their sleeves!

Lastly, can we take a moment to appreciate the sheer gorgeousness of the 2024 Dream Dust Halo? With its mesmerizing purple and dark blue hues, it’s like a starry night sky come to life! And that stunning white crescent moon perched atop the Halo? Chef’s kiss It’s the perfect balance of whimsy and gloom – a true Halloween masterpiece.

So there you have it, folks! Your ultimate guide to winning the Royale High Dream Dust Eveningfall Halo 2024. Go forth and conquer that Nightmare Fountain, and may the odds be ever in your favor! And remember, even if you don’t snag that Halo on your first try, keep your head up and your answers ready. Your dream Halo could be just a wish away!