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Quick-Start Guide to download Valorant on PS5

Playing Valorant on PS5 is easier than ever. Follow these step by step instructions to download and install Valorant on PlayStation 5:

  1. Navigate to the PS5 home screen.
  2. Use the left stick or d-pad to scroll to the search bar in the top right corner, marked with a magnifying glass.
  3. Press X to open the search bar.
  4. Type “Valorant” into the search bar, ensuring the correct spelling.
  5. Select the first result, which should say “Valorant Free.”
  6. Click the download button.

Quick-Start Guide to download Valorant on PS5

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll see “Added to download” in the top right corner. To check the download progress:

  1. Press the PlayStation button.
  2. Go to the download section in the middle of the screen.
  3. Monitor the download progress, which may take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on your internet speed.

When the download is complete, simply open the game and immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Valorant on your PS5. With this quick-start guide, you’ll be ready to dominate the competition in no time!