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Microsoft Office Cheat Sheet to Become a Microsoft Office Power User

Microsoft Office is the ultimate productivity collection, with tools to help you write, create, email, and more. These programs are packed with depth and it can be tricky to use and navigate them efficiently.

Microsoft Office Cheat Sheet to Become a Microsoft Office Power User

Microsoft Office Cheat Sheet to Become a Microsoft Office Power User

That’s why we’ve put together this article, contains:

  • Office Shortcuts
  • Office for Mac Shortcuts
  • Excel Shortcuts
  • Word Shortcuts
  • OneNote Shortcuts
  • Outlook Shortcuts
  • PowerPoint Shortcuts
  • Teams Shortcuts

If you want to become a Microsoft Office power user, the tips and shortcuts in these free cheat sheets will help you get there!

Table of contents

Office Shortcuts
Office for Mac Shortcuts
Excel Shortcuts
Word Shortcuts
OneNote Shortcuts
Outlook Shortcuts
PowerPoint Shortcuts
Teams Shortcuts

Office Shortcuts

Select all elements on screen Ctrl + A
Format text as bold Ctrl + B
Italicizes text Ctrl + I
Underline selected text Ctrl + U
Launches the Print dialogue Ctrl + P
Copy the selected text to the clipboard Ctrl + C
Cut the selected text (remove and place it on the clipboard) Ctrl + X
Paste clipboard content Ctrl + V
Undo the last action and can be used several times in row Ctrl + Z
Redo the last action Ctrl + Y
Repeat the last action you took, whether that be formatting or deleting text F4
Hide/reveal the ribbon interface Ctrl + F1
Reveal the thesaurus tab Shift + F7
Add a hyperlink to some text to link to another file or a web address Ctrl + K
Save the document Ctrl + S
Switch between multiple files Ctrl + F6
Essential Microsoft Office Keyboard Shortcuts for all programs
Invoke the word counter Ctrl + Shift + G
Open Spelling and Grammar F7
Toggle between lowercase, all caps, and title case Shift + F3
Subscript highlighted text Ctrl + =
Superscript highlighted text Ctrl + Shift + =
Remove any hyperlinks in text Ctrl + Shift + F9
Remove any font effects and reset it to default size, font, and color Ctrl + Space
Increase the font size Ctrl + ]
Decrease the font size Ctrl + [
Toggle the ruler Alt > W > R
Essential Microsoft Office Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word
Add a new slide in the editor Ctrl + M
Duplicate the current slide Ctrl + Shift + D
Launch a slideshow from the beginning F5
Launch a slideshow from the current slide Ctrl + Shift + F5
Jump to a certain slide while presenting Press a number > Enter
Display a blank black slide. Press again to return to current slide B
Display a blank white slide. Press again to return to current slide W
Activate the pen tool Ctrl + P
Clear the annotation during presenting E
Invokes the mouse cursor during presentation Ctrl + A
Hide the mouse cursor during presentation Ctrl + H
Stop or restart the slideshow S
Play/Pause embedded media in slide Alt + P
Stop playback Alt + Q
Adjust the volume of playback Alt + Up/Down Arrow
Essential Microsoft Office Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft PowerPoint
Scroll between multiple tabs Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down
Focus the screen on the active cell Ctrl + Backspace
Enter a new line in a cell Alt + Enter
Quickly enter the current date Ctrl + ;
Quickly enter the current time Ctrl + Shift + :
Invoke the Formatting dialogue box Ctrl + 1
Invoke the Formula box F2
Toggle between cells to reveal content or formulas Ctrl + `
Hide a colume Ctrl + 0
Hide a row Ctrl + 9
Unhide anything hidden by Ctrl + 0/9 Ctrl + Shift + 0/9
Unhide anything hidden by Ctrl + 0/9 Alt > H > O > U > L
Automatically apply SUM to any highlighted cells Alt + =
Warp in the direction you choose, stopping at the first black/filled cell Ctrl + Arrow Keys
Select the current row or column Ctrl + Shift + *
Essential Microsoft Office Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Excel

Office for Mac Shortcuts

Print Cmd + P or Ctrl + P
Find Cmd + F
Cut Cmd + X or Ctrl + X
Copy Cmd + C or Ctrl + C
Paste Cmd + V or Ctrl + V
Save Cmd + S or Ctrl + S
Undo Cmd + Z or Ctrl + Z
Redo Cmd + Y or Ctrl + Y or Cmd + Shift + Z
Minimize or maximize the ribbon Cmd + Ctrl + R
Microsoft Office for macOS Keyboard Shortcuts for basic shortcuts across applications
Switch between notebook sections Option + Tab
Move selected paragraphs up Cmd + Shift + Up Arrow
Move selected paragraphs down Cmd + Shift + Down Arrow
Move selected paragraphs left Cmd + Shift + Left Arrow
Switch between pages Ctrl + Tab [ + use arrow keys to move up or down]
Insert a line break Shift + Return
Insert the current date Cmd + D
Insert the current date and time Cmd + Shift + Down Arrow
Insert a link Cmd + K
Delete the word to the left Option + Delete
Delete the word to the right Fn + Option + Delete
View a list of open notebooks Ctrl + G
Search all notebooks Cmd + Option + F
Create a notebook page Cmd + N
Move a page Cmd + Shift + M
Copy a page Cmd + Shift + C
Microsoft Office for macOS Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft OneNote
Create a message Cmd + N
Save the open message to Drafts Cmd + S
Send the open message Cmd + Return
Add an attachment to the open message Cmd + E
Send and receive all messages Cmd + K
Reply to the message Cmd + R
Reply to all Shift + Cmd + R
Forward the message Cmd + J
Microsoft Office for macOS Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook
Create an event, note, task, or contact Cmd + N
Open the selected event, note, task, or contact Cmd + O
Delete the selected event, note, task, or contact Delete
Navigate to the previous pane Shift + Ctrl + [
Navigate to the next pane Shift + Ctrl + ]
Switch the calendar view to include today Cmd + T
Send the note as an email Cmd + J
Microsoft Office for macOS Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook (Calendar, Notes, Tasks, and Contact)
Today Ctrl + 1
Tomorrow Ctrl + 2
This week Ctrl + 3
Next week Ctrl + 4
No due date Ctrl + 5
Custom due date Ctrl + 6
Add a reminder Ctrl + =
Mark complete 0
Microsoft Office for macOS Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook (Flagging Messages, Tasks, and Contacts)
Center a paragraph Cmd + E
Justify a paragraph Cmd + J
Left align a paragraph Cmd + L
Right align a paragraph Cmd + R
Increase font size Cmd + Shift + >
Decrease font size Cmd + Shift + >
Apply all capital letters Cmd + Shift + A
Apply bold Cmd + B
Apply italics Cmd + I
Apply underlines Cmd + U
Apply double underline Cmd + Shift + D
Single-spacing Cmd + 1
Double-spacing Cmd + 2
1.5 line-spacing Cmd + 5
Insert a line break Shift + Return
Insert a page break Shift + Enter
Insert a column break Cmd + Shift + Enter
Insert a copyright symbol Option + G
Insert a trademark symbol Option + 2
Insert a registered trademark symbol Option + R
Insert an ellipsis Option + ;(Semicolon)
Apply style – Normal Cmd + Shift + N
Apply style – List Cmd + Shift + L
Apply style – Heading 1 Cmd + Option + 1
Apply style – Heading 2 Cmd + Option + 2
Apply style – Heading 3 Cmd + Option + 3
Microsoft Office for macOS Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word
Create a presentation Cmd + N
Open a presentation Cmd + O
Close a presentation Cmd + W
Print a presentation Cmd + P
Save a presentation Cmd + S
Insert a slide Cmd + Shift + N or Ctrl + N
Play from the first slide Cmd + Shift + Return
Play from the current slide Cmd + Return
End the slide show Esc or Cmd + .(period) or -(hyhpen)
Hide the pointer Ctrl + H
Normal view Cmd + 1
Slider sorter view Cmd + 2
Notes page view Cmd + 3
Outline view Cmd + 4
Full screen view Cmd + Ctrl + F
Presenter view Option + Return
Turn the screen black while in presentation mode B
Turn the screen white while in presentation mode W
Microsoft Office for macOS Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft PowerPoint
Insert cells Ctrl + Shift + =
Delete cells Cmd + – or Ctrl + –
Group selected cells Cmd + Shift + K
Ungroup selected cells Cmd + Shift + J
Insert a hyperlink Cmd + K or Ctrl + K
Fill down Cmd + D or Ctrl + D
Fill right Cmd + R or Ctrl + R
Enter the date Ctrl + ;(Semicolon)
Enter the time Cmd + ;(Semicolon)
Select only visible cells Cmd + Shift + *(asterisk)
Select only the active cell when multiple cells are selected Shift + Delete
Select the row Shift + Spacebar
Hide row Ctrl + 9
Unhide row Ctrl + Shift + (
Select the column Ctrl + Spacebar
Hide columns Ctrl + 0
Unhide columns Ctrl + Shift + )
Complete an entry and move up Shift + Return
Complete an entry and move right Tab
Complete an entry and move left Shift + Tab
Cancel an entry Esc
Insert, open, or edit a comment Shift + F2
Scroll to the active cell in a worksheet Ctrl + Delete
Move between unlocked cells on a protected worksheet Tab
Move to the next sheet in a workbook Ctrl + Page Down or Option + Right Arrow
Move to the previous sheet in a workbook Ctrl + Page Up or Option + Left Arrow
Move to the beginning of the row Home or Fn + Left Arrow
Move to the beginning of the sheet Ctrl + Home or Ctrl + Fn + Left Arrow
Move to the last cell in use on the sheet Ctrl + End or Ctrl + Fn + Right Arrow
Move up one screen Page Up or Fn + Up Arrow
Move down one screen Page Down or Fn + Down Arrow
Move left one screen Option + Page Up or Fn + Option + Up Arrow
Move right one screen Option + Page Down or Fn + Option + Down Arrow
Microsoft Office for macOS Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Excel

Excel Shortcuts

Show the date and time =NOW
Show the current date without the time =TODAY()
Show today’s date in a cell =DAY(TODAY())
Show current month in a cell =MONTH(TODAY())
Add 10 days to current date =TODAY()+10
Microsoft Excel Formulas for Date and Time
Calculates the sum of a group of values =SUM
Calculates the mean of a group of values =AVERAGE
Counts the number of cells in a range that contains numbers =COUNT
Removes the decimal portion of a number =INT
Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places =ROUND
Tests for a true or false condition =IF
Returns the date and time =NOW
Returns the date, without the time =TODAY
Calculates a sum from a group of values in which a condition has been met =SUMIF
Counts the number of cells in a range that match a criteria =COUNTIF
Count the number of non-blank cells in a range =COUNTA(A1:A5)
Rounds 1.45 to one decimal place =ROUND(1.45, 1)
Rounds -1.457 to two decimal places =ROUND(-1.457, 2)
Returns the logical value TRUE =TRUE
Returns the logical value FALSE =FALSE
Returns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE =AND
Return TRUE if any argument is TRUE =OR
Microsoft Excel Formulas for Counting and Rounding
Converts value of A1 from days to hours =CONVERT(A1,”day”,”hr”)
Converts value of A1 from hours to minutes =CONVERT(A1,”hr”,”mn”)
Converts value of A1 from years to days =CONVERT(A1,”yr”,”day”)
Converts value of A1 from Celcius to Fahrenheit =CONVERT(A1,”C”,”F”)
Converts value of A1 from teaspoons to tablespoons =CONVERT(A1,”tsp”,”tbs”)
Converts value of A1 from gallons to liters =CONVERT(A1,”gal”,”l”)
Converts value of A1 from miles to kilometers =CONVERT(A1,”mi”,”km”)
Converts value of A1 from kilometers to miles =CONVERT(A1,”km”,”mi”)
Converts value of A1 from inches to feet =CONVERT(A1,”in”,”ft”)
Converts value of A1 from centimeters to inches =CONVERT(A1,”cm”,”in”)
Converts binary 1100100 to decimal (100) =BIN2DEC(1100100)
Converts a number into a Roman numeral =ROMAN
Microsoft Excel Formulas for Unit Conversion
Subtracts values in the two cells =B2-C9
Multiplies the numbers in the two cells =D8*A3
Multiplies the cells in the range =PRODUCT(A1:A20)
Multiplies the cells in the range, and multiplies the result by 2 =PRODUCT(F6:A1,2)
Divides value in A1 by the value in A3 =A1/A3
Returns the remainder from division =MOD
Calculates the smallest number in a range =MIN(A1:A9)
Calculates the largest number in a range =MAX(C27:C34)
Calculates the second smallest number in a range =SMALL(B1:B7, 2)
Calculates the third largest number in a range =LARGE(G13:D7, 3)
Calculates nine squared =POWER(9,2)
Calculates nine cubed =9^3
Factorial of value in A1 =FACT(A1)
Rounds a number up to the nearest even integer =EVEN
Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer =ODD
Calculates the average =AVERAGE
Calculates the median =MEDIAN
Calculates the square root of a number =SQRT
Shows the value of pi =PI
Calculates the result of a number raised to a power =POWER
Returns a random number between 0 and 1 =RAND
Returns a random number between the numbers you specify =RANDBETWEEN
Calculates the cosine of a number =COS
Calculates the sine of the given angle =SIN Returns the sine of the given angle
Calculates the tangent of a number =TAN
Calculates the correlation coefficient between two data sets =CORREL
Estimates standard deviation based on a sample =STDEVA
Returns the probability that values in a range are between two limits =PROB
Microsoft Excel Formulas for Mathematics
Extracts one or more characters from the left side of a text string =LEFT
Extracts one or more characters from the right side of a text string =RIGHT
Extracts characters from the middle of a text string =MID
Merges two or more text strings =CONCATENATE
Replaces part of a text string =REPLACE
Converts a text string to all lowercase =LOWER
Converts a text string to all uppercase =UPPER
Converts a text string to proper case =PROPER
Returns a text string’s length in characters =LEN
Repeats text a given number of times =REPT
Formats a number and converts it to text =TEXT
Converts a text cell to a number =VALUE
Checks to see if two text values are identical =EXACT
Converts a number to text, using the USD currency format =DOLLAR
Removes all non-printable characters from text =CLEAN
Microsoft Excel Formulas for Text
Calculates the interest rate for a fully invested security =INTRATE
Calculates the effective annual interest rate =EFFECT
Calculates the future value of an investment =FV
Calculates the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates =FVSCHEDULE
Calculates the total payment (debt and interest) on a debt security =PMT
Calculates the interest payment for an investment for a given period =IPMT
Calculates the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest =ACCRINT
Calculates the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity =ACCRINTM
Calculates the depreciation for each accounting period =AMORLINC
Calculates the net present value of cash flows based on a discount rate =NPV
Calculates the yield of a security based on maturity, face value, and interest rate =YIELD
Calculates the price per $100 face value of a periodic coupon bond =PRICE
Microsoft Excel Formulas for Finance

Word Shortcuts

Create a new document Ctrl + N
Open a document Ctrl + O
Save the document Ctrl + S
Print the document Ctrl + P
Close the document Ctrl + W
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Cancel Esc
General Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word
Open the File page Alt + F
Switch to the Home tab Alt + H
Switch to the Insert tab Alt + N
Switch to the Design tab Alt + G
Switch to the Layout tab Alt + P
Switch to the References tab Alt + S
Switch to the Mailings tab Alt + M
Switch to the Review tab Alt + R
Switch to the View tab Alt + W
Search the Ribbon Alt + Q
Ribbon Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word
Open the Navigation pane to search Ctrl + F
Open the Go To window to navigate to an element Ctrl + G
Move the cursor to the start of the line Home
Move the cursor to the end of the line End
Move the cursor left by one word Ctrl + Left arrow
Move the cursor right by one word Ctrl + Right arrow
Move the cursor up by one paragraph Ctrl + Up arrow
Move the cursor down by one paragraph Ctrl + Down arrow
Move the cursor to the top of the screen Ctrl + Alt + Page up
Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen Ctrl + Alt + Page down
Scroll up a page Page up
Scroll down a page Page down
Move the cursor to the start of the document Ctrl + Home
Move the cursor to the end of the document Ctrl + End
Move the cursor to the last change Shift + F5
Cycle through the last four changes Ctrl + Alt + Z
Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word
Select all Ctrl + A
Select text in the specified direction Shift + Arrow keys
Select the left word Ctrl + Shift + Left arrow
Select the right word Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow
Select to the start of the line Shift + Home
Select to the end of the line Shift + End
Select to the start of the paragraph Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow
Select to the end of the paragraph Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow
Select to the top of the screen Shift + Page up
Select to the bottom of the screen Shift + Page down
Select to the start of the document Ctrl + Shift + Home
Select to the end of the document Ctrl + Shift + End
Select Text Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word
Open the Replace window to find and replace Ctrl + H
Cut the selected content Ctrl + X
Copy the selected content Ctrl + C
Paste from the clipboard Ctrl + V
Copy the selected formatting Ctrl + Shift + C
Paste the selected formatting Ctrl + Shift + V
Copy the header/footer from the previous section Alt + Shift + R
Delete the word on the left Ctrl + Backspace
Delete the word on the right Ctrl + Delete
Edit Text Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word
Justify paragraph Ctrl + J
Center paragraph Ctrl + E
Align paragraph left Ctrl + L
Align paragraph right Ctrl + R
Indent paragraph Ctrl + M
Remove paragraph indent Ctrl + Shift + M
Apply single spacing Ctrl + 1
Apply double spacing Ctrl + 2
Add or remove a space before the paragraph Ctrl + O
Apply the Normal style Ctrl + Shift + N
Apply the Heading 1/2/3 style Ctrl + Alt + 1/2/3
Remove paragraph formatting Ctrl + Q
Format Paragraphs Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word
Open the Font window Ctrl + D
Apply bold Ctrl + B
Apply italic Ctrl + I
Apply underline Ctrl + U
Apply underline to words, not spaces Ctrl + Shift + W
Apply double underline Ctrl + Shift + D
Format text upper case Ctrl + Shift + A
Format text small case Ctrl + Shift + K
Increase font size Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease font size Ctrl + Shift + <
Format Text Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word
Move up a row Up arrow
Move down a row Down arrow
Move to the row’s first cell Alt + Home
Move to the row’s last cell Alt + End
Move to the row’s next cell Tab
Move to the row’s previous cell Shift + Tab
Move to the column’s first cell Alt + Page up
Move to the column’s last cell Alt + Page down
Tables Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word

OneNote Shortcuts

Open a new OneNote Window Ctrl + M
Undo the last action Ctrl/Cmd + Z
Redo the last action Ctrl/Cmd + Y
Select all the items on a current page (to expand the selection, press the keys again) Ctrl/Cmd + A
Cut the selected text or item Ctrl/Cmd + X
Copy the selected text or item to the clipboard Ctrl/Cmd + C
Paste the contents of the clipboard Ctrl/Cmd + V
Insert a hyperlink Ctrl/Cmd + K
Apply or remove bold formatting Ctrl/Cmd + B
Apply or remove italics formatting Ctrl/Cmd + I
Apply or remove underline formatting Ctrl/Cmd + U
Apply heading style from 1 to 6 of the current note Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + 1…6
Begin a bullet list Ctrl/Cmd + Period
Begin a numbered (sorted) list Ctrl/Cmd + /
Clear all the formatting applied to the selected text Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N
Left-align the selected paragraph Ctrl/Cmd + L
Right-align the selected paragraph Ctrl/Cmd + R
Open a OneNote notebook Ctrl/Cmd + O
Create a new section Ctrl/Cmd + T
Create a new notebook page Ctrl/Cmd + N
Move keyboard focus to the section list Ctrl + Shift + G
View the list of notebooks Ctrl + G
Select the page title Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + T
Print the current page Ctrl/Cmd + P
Scroll up in the current page Page Up
Scroll down in the current page Page Down
Increase the indent by one level Tab
Decrease the indent by one level Shift + Tab
Mark or clear the To Do tag Ctrl/Cmd + 1
Mark or clear the Important, Question, Remember for Later, and Definition tag Ctrl/Cmd + 2, 3, 4, and 5
Create a table Tab key, after typing a new line of text
Create another column in a table with a single row Tab key
Create another row when at the end cell of a table Enter/Return
Insert a row below the current row in a table Ctrl/Cmd + Enter/Return
Create another paragraph in the same cell in a table Alt/Option + Enter/Return
Insert a line break Shift + Enter/Return
Synchronize the current notebook Ctrl/Cmd + S
Lock all password-protected sections Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + L
Common Keyboard Shortcuts for OneNote
Move to the beginning or end of the line Home/End
Move one word to the left or right Ctrl + Left/Right arrow key
Delete one character to the left or right Backspace/Delete
Delete one word to the left or right Ctrl + Backspace/Delete
Go the next or previous paragraph Ctrl + Down/Up key
Increase or decrease the paragraph indent Alt + Shift + Right/Left arrow key
Move the selected paragraph up or down Alt + Shift + Up/Down arrow key
Highlight the selected text Ctrl + Shift + H
Copy or Paste the formatting of the selected text Ctrl + Shift + C/V
Apply or remove strikethrough formatting Ctrl + Hyphen (-)
Apply or remove superscript formatting Ctrl + Shift + Equals sign (=)
Apply or remove subscript formatting Ctrl + Equals sign (=)
Start a math equation or convert the selected text to math equation Alt + Equals sign (=)
Insert emoji or symbol Windows logo key + Period
Expand or collapse an outline (you can selectively expand or collapse the outline at each level) Alt + Shift + Plus sign (+)/Minus (-)
Create a new subpage below the current page Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N
Move or Copy page to another location Ctrl + Alt + M
Move keyboard focus to the page list Ctrl + Alt + G
After moving keyboard focus to the page list, press these keys to switch between pages Up or Down key/Ctrl + Page Up or Down
Go the next section Ctrl + Tab
Go to the previous section Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Move the selected page tab up or down Alt + Shift + Up/Down key
Scroll to the top or bottom of the current page Ctrl + Home/End
Zoom in or out Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Plus(+)/Minus(-)
Create or Stop the recording Ctrl + Alt + A/S
Play the selected audio recording Ctrl + Alt + P
Insert the current date Alt + Shift + D
Insert the current date and time Alt + Shift + F
Create a column to the right of the current column in a table Ctrl + Alt + R
Open a search to search all currently opened notebooks Ctrl + E
Synchronize all notebooks F9
Jump between the tab bar, navigation pane, and the page canvas F6
Move between the tabs on a ribbon (Home, Insert, Draw, and more) Left or Right arrow keys
Perform the currently selected ribbon command (when the selection is over Navigation button, press Spacebar to enlarge the OneNote canvas) Spacebar or Enter
Go to the next note container Alt + Down arrow key
Insert the author name and last modified timestamp Ctrl + Shift + M
Copy a screen clipping to the clipboard Windows logo key + Shift + S
Windows Specific Keyboard Shortcuts for OneNote
Move to the beginning or end of the line Cmd + Left/Right arrow key
Move one word to the left or right Option + Left/Right arrow key
Delete one character to the left or right Delete/Fn + Delete
Delete one word to the left or right Option + Backspace/Delete
Go to the next or previous paragraph Option + Down/Up key
Increase or decrease the paragraph indent Cmd + ]/[
Move the selected paragraphs up or down Option + Cmd + Up/Down
Highlight the selected text Ctrl + Cmd + H
Copy or Paste the formatting of the selected text Option + Cmd + C/V
Apply or remove strikethrough formatting Ctrl + Cmd + Hyphen(-)
Apply or remove superscript formatting Option + Shift + Cmd + Equals sign(=)
Apply or remove subscript formatting Option + Cmd + Equals sign(=)
Start a math equation or convert the selected text to math equation Ctrl + Equals sign(=)
Insert emoji or symbols Ctrl + Cmd + Spacebar
Expand or collapse the outline (you can selectively expand or collapse outline at each level) Ctrl + Shift + Plus(+)/Minus(-)
Create a new subpage below the current page Cmd + N then Option + Cmd + ]
Copy or Move page to another location Cmd + Shift + C/M
Move keyboard focus to the page list Ctrl + Cmd + G
After moving keyboard focus to the page list, press these keys to switch between pages Up or Down key/Cmd + Page Up or Down
Go to the next section Cmd + Shift + }
Go to the previous section Cmd + Shift + {
Move the selected page tab up or down Cmd + Option + Up/Down key
Scroll to the top or bottom of the current page Cmd + Up/Down
Zoom in or out Cmd + Plus(+)/Minus(-)
Create or Stop the recording Option + Shift + Cmd + R/S
Play the selected audio recording Option + Shift + Cmd + P
Insert the current date Cmd + D
Insert the current date and time Cmd + Shift + D
Create a column to the left or right of the current column in a table Ctrl + Cmd + L/R
Open a search to search all currently opened notebooks Cmd + Option + F
Synchronize all notebooks Shift + Cmd + S
Jump between the tab bar, navigation pane, and the page canvas (enable F1, F2 as standard function keys in System Preferences) F6
Move between the tabs on a ribbon Tab
Perform the currently selected ribbon command (when the selection is over Navigation button, press Spacebar to enlarge the OneNote canvas) Spacebar
Start dictation Press Fn Twice
Use Smart Lookup Ctrl + Option + Cmd + L
macOS Specific Keyboard Shortcuts for OneNote

Outlook Shortcuts

Help F1
Find a contact or other item F3
Find or replace F4
Spellcheck F7
Check for new messages F9
Find a contact F11
Save As (only in Mail view) F12
Delete selected item (message, task, or meeting) Delete
Create a new Appointment Shift + Ctrl + A
Open the Address Book Shift + Ctrl + B
Create a new contact Shift + Ctrl + C
Create a new folder Shift + Ctrl + E
Open the Advanced Find window Shift + Ctrl + F
Create a new Office document Shift + Ctrl + H
Switch to Inbox Shift + Ctrl + I
Create a new Journal Entry Shift + Ctrl + J
Create a new Task Shift + Ctrl + K
Create a new Contact Group Shift + Ctrl + L
Create a new Message Shift + Ctrl + M
Create a new Note Shift + Ctrl + N
Switch to the Outbox Shift + Ctrl + O
Open the New Search Folder window Shift + Ctrl + P
Create a new Meeting Request Shift + Ctrl + Q
Create a new Task Request Shift + Ctrl + U
Switch to Work Week calendar view Ctrl + Alt + 2
Switch to Full Week calendar view Ctrl + Alt + 3
Switch to Month calendar view Ctrl + Alt + 4
General Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook
Reply All Shift + Ctrl + R
Select All Ctrl + A
Bold Ctrl + B
Copy selected text Ctrl + C
Forward message Ctrl + F
Find and replace text Ctrl + H
Check names against Address Book Ctrl + K
Open Ctrl + O
Print Ctrl + P
Mark selected message read Ctrl + Q
Reply Ctrl + R
Save message as draft Ctrl + S
Mark selected message unread Ctrl + U
Paste copied text Ctrl + V
Cut selected text Ctrl + X
Go to folder… Ctrl + Y
Undo Ctrl + Z
Mark message as Not Junk Ctrl + Alt + J
Mark message for download Ctrl + Alt + M
Send message Ctrl + S
Message Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook
Switch to Mail view Ctrl + 1
Switch to Calendar view Ctrl + 2
Switch to Contacts view Ctrl + 3
Switch to Tasks view Ctrl + 4
Switch to Notes Ctrl + 5
Switch to Folder List Ctrl + 6
Switch to Shortcuts Ctrl + 7
Switch to next open message Ctrl + Period
Switch to previous open message Ctrl + Comma
Go to Home tab Alt + H
Go to previous view in main Outlook window Alt + Left
Go to next view in main Outlook window Alt + Right
Quick Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook

PowerPoint Shortcuts

New presentation Ctrl + N
New slide Ctrl + M
Save presentation Ctrl + S
Insert picture Alt + N, P
Insert shape Alt + N, S, H
Slide layout Alt + H, L
Next slide Page down
Previous slide Page up
Move selected slide up Ctrl + Up
Move selected slide down Ctrl + Down
Move selected slide to the beginning Ctrl + Shift + Up
Move selected slide to the end Ctrl + Shift + Down
Home tab Alt + H
Insert tab Alt + N
Add comment Ctrl + N
Reply to comment Ctrl + R
Close PowerPoint Ctrl + Q
Creating Presentations Keyboard Shortcuts in Microsoft PowerPoint
File Alt + F
Home Alt + H
Insert Alt + N
Design Alt + G
Transitions Alt + K
Animations Alt + A
Slide Show Alt + S
Review Alt + R
View Alt + W
Help Alt + Y
Ribbon Keyboard Shortcuts in Microsoft PowerPoint
Start presentation from beginning F5
Start presentation from current slide Shift + F5
Start the presentation in Presenter View Alt + F5
Next animation/slide N
Previous animation/slide P
Display black slide B
Display white slide W
Stop/restart an automatic presentation S
Go to the slide number specified Number, then Enter
To the first slide Home
To the last slide End
Set timings T
Record narration and timing R
Play/pause media Alt + P
Stop media Alt + Q
Increase volume Alt + Up
Decrease volume Alt + Down
Mute Alt + U
Cycle hotspot Tab
Context menu Shift + F10
Show taskbar Ctrl + T
End presentation Esc
Presenting Keyboard Shortcuts in Microsoft PowerPoint

Teams Shortcuts

Move focus to search box Ctrl + E
Display command list Ctrl + /
Go to… Ctrl + Shift + G
Open Activity tab Ctrl + Shift + 1
Open Chat tab Ctrl + Shift + 2
Open Teams tab Ctrl + Shift + 3
Open Calls tab Ctrl + Shift + 4
Open Files tab Ctrl + Shift + 5
Go to previous list item Left Option + Up Arrow
Go to next list item Left Option + Down Arrow
Go to previous section Ctrl + Shift + F6
Go to next section Ctrl + F6
Show keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + .(Period)
Open Help section Ctrl + F1
Navigation Web Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Teams
Start new chat Ctrl + N
Move focus to Compose box C
Expand Compose box Ctrl + Shift + X
Send message Ctrl + Enter
Attach file Ctrl + Shift + O
Start new line Shift + Enter
Reply to thread R
Messaging Web Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Teams
Start audio call Ctrl + Shift + C
Accept audio call Ctrl + Shift + S
Start video call Ctrl + Shift + U
Accept video call Ctrl + Shift + A
Decline call Ctrl + Shift + D
Mute/unmute audio Ctrl + Shift + M
Toggle full screen mode Ctrl + Shift + F
Go to sharing toolbar Ctrl + Shift + Space
Meetings and Calls Web Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Teams
Move focus to search box Ctrl + E
Display command list Ctrl + /
Go to… Ctrl + G
Open Activity tab Ctrl + 1
Open Chat tab Ctrl + 2
Open Teams tab Ctrl + 3
Open Calls tab Ctrl + 4
Open Files tab Ctrl + 5
Go to previous list item Left Option + Up Arrow
Go to next list item Left Option + Down Arrow
Move selected team up Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow
Move selected team down Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
Go to previous section Ctrl + Shift + F6
Go to next section Ctrl + F6
Show keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + .(Period)
Open Help section F1
[2]Navigation Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Teams
Start new chat Ctrl + N
Move focus to Compose box C
Expand Compose box Ctrl + Shift + X
[1]Send message Ctrl + Enter
Attach file Ctrl + O
Start new line Shift + Enter
Reply to thread R
Messaging Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Teams
Start audio call Ctrl + Shift + C
Accept audio call Ctrl + Shift + S
Start video call Ctrl + Shift + U
Accept video call Ctrl + Shift + A
Decline call Ctrl + Shift + D
Mute/unmute audio Ctrl + Shift + M
Toggle video Ctrl + Shift + O
Toggle full screen mode Ctrl + Shift + F
Go to sharing toolbar Ctrl + Shift + Space
Meetings and Calls Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Teams

[1]: The shortcut Enter also works when you haven’t expanded the Compose box.
[2]: On macOS, replace Ctrl with Cmd and Alt with Option in shortcuts.