The latest Microsoft AI-900 Azure AI Fundamentals certification actual real practice exam question and answer (Q&A) dumps are available free, which are helpful for you to pass the Microsoft AI-900 Azure AI Fundamentals exam and earn Microsoft AI-900 Azure AI Fundamentals certification.
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Question 631
You’re using Azure Machine Learning designer to create a training pipeline for a binary classification model. You’ve added a dataset containing features and labels, a Two-Class Decision Forest module, and a Train Model module. You plan to use Score Model and Evaluate Model modules to test the trained model with a subset of the dataset that wasn’t used for training. What’s another module should you add?
Split Data
Question 632
You use an Azure Machine Learning designer pipeline to train and test a binary classification model. You review the model’s performance metrics in an Evaluate Model module, and note that it has an AUC score of 0.3. What can you conclude about the model?
The model performs worse than random guessing.
Question 633
You use Azure Machine Learning designer to create a training pipeline for a classification model. What must you do before deploying the model as a service?
Create an inference pipeline from the training pipeline
Question 634
You are using an Azure Machine Learning designer pipeline to train and test a K-Means clustering model. You want your model to assign items to one of three clusters. Which configuration property of the K-Means Clustering module should you set to accomplish this?
Set Number of Centroids to 3
Question 635
You use Azure Machine Learning designer to create a training pipeline for a clustering model. Now you want to use the model in an inference pipeline. Which module should you use to infer cluster predictions from the model?
Assign Data to Clusters
Question 636
An automobile dealership wants to use historic car sales data to train a machine learning model. The model should predict the price of a pre-owned car based on its make, model, engine size, and mileage. What kind of machine learning model should the dealership use automated machine learning to create?
Question 637
A bank wants to use historic loan repayment records to categorize loan applications as low-risk or high-risk based on characteristics like the loan amount, the income of the borrower, and the loan period. What kind of machine learning model should the bank use automated machine learning to create?
Question 638
You want to use automated machine learning to train a regression model with the best possible R2 score. How should you configure the automated machine learning experiment?
Set the Primary metric to R2 score
Question 639
You plan to use the Custom Vision service to train an image classification model. You want to create a resource that can only be used for model training, and not for prediction. Which kind of resource should you create in your Azure subscription?
Custom Vision
Question 640
You train an image classification model that achieves less than satisfactory evaluation metrics. How might you improve it?
Add more images to the training set.