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How to reset FortiGate admin password via FortiGate Cloud

This article describes how to reset the FortiGate admin password from FortiGate Cloud.


FortiGate Cloud


FortiGate requires a FortiGate Cloud paid subscription to perform configuration changes from FortiGate Cloud including resetting the admin password. Configuration management feature is disabled on FortiGate Cloud that is activated with only free account (no subscription).

To reset the admin password for a FortiGate with FortiGate Cloud paid subscription, follow these steps:

Step 1: From the FortiGate Cloud Assets List View page, select the FortiGate serial number and go to Device View.

From the FortiGate Cloud Assets List View page, select the FortiGate serial number and go to Device View.

Step 2: Go to Management > Config > System > Administrators and edit the admin account which requires the password reset.

Go to Management, Config, System, Administrators and edit the admin account which requires the password reset.

Step 3: Select Change to reset the admin password. Save the changes and select Deploy.

Select Change to reset the admin password. Save the changes and select Deploy.

Step 4: Review the deployment log for the changes that will be deployed to the FortiGate.

Review the deployment log for the changes that will be deployed to the FortiGate.

Step 5: To deploy the change immediately to the FortiGate, check the Immediately option.

To deploy the change immediately to the FortiGate, check the Immediately option.

Step 6: A confirmation window will be shown once the deployment is completed and successful. Attempt to access the FortiGate again using the updated password.

A confirmation window will be shown once the deployment is completed and successful. Attempt to access the FortiGate again using the updated password.

Note: In-cloud FortiGate configuration editing and deployment will be discontinued in Q3 2024. Use the Remote Access or Script option to manage the FortiGate.