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How to obtain the Cult Glove in Roblox Slap Battles (Good Job Badge)

The Cult Glove in Roblox Slap Battles is a unique item that grants players special abilities when used in conjunction with other Cult Glove users. To wield this powerful glove, you must first acquire the Good Job Badge and have the potato Glove equipped.

How to obtain the Cult Glove in Roblox Slap Battles (Good Job Badge)

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this goal:

Obtaining the Good Job Badge

  1. Equip the potato Glove before entering the arena.
  2. Activate the potato Glove’s passive ability, hot potato, which will cause a rotating potato to spin around your head.
  3. Wait 15 seconds for the potato to explode, killing you and knocking back nearby players.
  4. If you successfully knock yourself out of the arena, you’ll receive the Good Job Badge notification.

Using the Cult Glove effectively

  • The Cult Glove’s passive ability, Synergy, strengthens and speeds up users when other players with the Cult Glove are present.
  • Dark red and black beams connect Cult Glove users, creating a sinister atmosphere.
  • When three or more Cult Glove users are in the arena, each player will sprout horns that grow larger as more Cult users join.
  • If all players in the arena use the Cult Glove, everyone will receive the Demonic Ritual Badge and the Leash Glove.

To maximize the Cult Glove’s potential, coordinate with friends or teammates who also possess the glove. By working together, you can dominate the arena and strike fear into your opponents’ hearts. Remember, the more Cult Glove users present, the stronger each individual becomes. Embrace the power of the Cult Glove and unleash your inner demon in Roblox Slap Battles!