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How to Minimize Single Window with Keyboard Shortcut in Windows

Learn how to minimize a single, currently active window in Windows using different keyboard shortcuts, such as Alt + Space + N, Alt + Esc, and Win + Down Arrow.

Sometimes, you may want to minimize a single window in Windows without affecting the other windows on your screen. This can help you declutter your desktop, focus on a specific task, or quickly access the icons on your taskbar.

However, you may not want to use the mouse to click on the minimize button, as this can be slow and inconvenient. Fortunately, there are several keyboard shortcuts that can help you minimize a single window in Windows with ease. In this article, we will show you how to use these shortcuts, as well as some tips and tricks to make them more effective.

Alt + Space + N: The Universal Shortcut

One of the most reliable and versatile shortcuts to minimize a single window in Windows is Alt + Space + N. This shortcut works on any Windows version, all the way back to Windows 3.0. It also works with any keyboard layout and any Windows localization.

To use this shortcut, simply press and hold the Alt key, then press the Space key, then release both keys and press the N key. This will open the general window menu, which contains the options to maximize, minimize, close the window, etc., and select the “miNimize” option. The window will then be minimized to the taskbar.

The advantage of this shortcut is that it works on any window, even if it does not have a minimize button or a title bar. It also works on stubborn windows that do not respond to other shortcuts. The disadvantage is that it requires three keystrokes, which can be a bit slow and cumbersome.

Alt + Esc: The Quick and Dirty Shortcut

Another shortcut that can help you minimize a single window in Windows is Alt + Esc. This shortcut does not actually minimize the window, but rather places it behind all other windows. The effect is similar, however, as the window will disappear from your view and only the icon on the taskbar will remain visible.

To use this shortcut, simply press and hold the Alt key, then press the Esc key, then release both keys. The active window will then be sent to the back of the stack of windows, and the next window in the stack will become active.

The advantage of this shortcut is that it is very fast and easy, as it only requires two keystrokes. It also works with only the left hand, which can be convenient if you are using the right hand for something else. The disadvantage is that it does not actually minimize the window, so it may still consume some resources or interfere with some functions. For example, some streaming audio sites may pause when you use this shortcut, as the spacebar is a common hotkey for play/pause.

Win + Down Arrow: The Modern Shortcut

A more recent shortcut that can help you minimize a single window in Windows is Win + Down Arrow. This shortcut works on Windows 7 and later versions, and it is part of the set of shortcuts that allow you to rearrange windows with the Windows key.

To use this shortcut, simply press and hold the Windows key, then press the Down Arrow key, then release both keys. The active window will then be minimized to the taskbar. If the window is already restored (not maximized or snapped), you will need to press the Down Arrow key twice to minimize it.

The advantage of this shortcut is that it is consistent with the other shortcuts that use the Windows key and the arrow keys, such as Win + Up Arrow to maximize the window, Win + Left Arrow to snap the window to the left side of the screen, and Win + Right Arrow to snap the window to the right side of the screen. It also works on most windows, except for some system windows or dialog boxes. The disadvantage is that it does not work on older versions of Windows, and it may require two keystrokes if the window is not maximized or snapped.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks that can help you use these shortcuts more effectively:

  • To restore a minimized window, you can use the same shortcut that you used to minimize it, except for Alt + Esc. For example, if you used Alt + Space + N to minimize a window, you can use Alt + Space + X to maximize it, or Alt + Space + R to restore it. If you used Win + Down Arrow to minimize a window, you can use Win + Up Arrow to maximize it, or Win + Down Arrow + Up Arrow to restore it.
  • To minimize all windows except the active one, you can use Win + Home. This can help you isolate a window that you want to focus on, or quickly access the desktop icons. To restore all minimized windows, you can use Win + Shift + M.
  • To minimize all windows and show the desktop, you can use Win + D. This can help you clear your screen and access the desktop icons or the system tray. To restore all windows, you can use Win + D again, or Win + Shift + M.
  • To cycle through the windows on your taskbar, you can use Alt + Tab. This can help you switch between windows without using the mouse. To cycle in reverse order, you can use Alt + Shift + Tab. To close a window while cycling, you can use Alt + F4.


Minimizing a single window in Windows can be done with various keyboard shortcuts, such as Alt + Space + N, Alt + Esc, and Win + Down Arrow. These shortcuts can help you declutter your desktop, focus on a specific task, or quickly access the icons on your taskbar. They also have different advantages and disadvantages, depending on the situation and the version of Windows that you are using. By using these shortcuts, you can improve your productivity and efficiency in Windows.