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How to Get and Use Wooden Logs and Shroud Wood in Enshrouded

Enshrouded is a survival game that challenges players to explore a mysterious world filled with dangers and secrets. One of the most essential resources in the game is wood, which can be used for crafting, building, and unlocking new areas. However, not all wood is the same.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to get wooden logs and Shroud Wood, what are their differences, and what are their uses.

How to Get and Use Wooden Logs and Shroud Wood in Enshrouded

How to Get Wooden Logs in Enshrouded

Wooden logs are the basic type of wood in the game. They can be obtained by chopping down trees with an axe. To craft an axe, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Claim a spot for your home base. This will unlock the crafting recipe for an axe.
  2. Gather 4 twigs, 1 stone, and 1 string. Twigs and stones can be found on the ground, while string can be made from 3 plant fibers harvested from bushes.
  3. Open the crafting menu by pressing “V” and select the axe. You’ll need a workbench to craft it.

Once you have the axe, you can use it to chop down any tree you see. Each tree will yield a different amount of wooden logs depending on its size and type. You can also chop down trees in Enshrouded areas, which are dark and foggy regions that have special properties and dangers. Chopping down trees in Enshrouded areas will give you both wooden logs and Shroud Wood, which is a rare and valuable resource.

How to Get Shroud Wood in Enshrouded

Shroud Wood is a special type of wood that can only be found in Enshrouded areas. It has a darker color and a unique texture than regular wooden logs. Shroud Wood is used for crafting advanced items and unlocking new features in the game. To get Shroud Wood, you’ll need to do one of the following:

  • Chop down trees in Enshrouded areas with an axe. You’ll get both wooden logs and Shroud Wood from each tree. However, be careful of the dangers that lurk in the dark, such as hostile creatures and environmental hazards.
  • Craft an Enshrouded Shroud Wood Scrappy Axe. This is a special axe that can be made with 2 Shroud Wood and 1 Scrappy Axe. The Scrappy Axe is the first axe you can craft in the game. The Enshrouded Shroud Wood Scrappy Axe can chop down trees faster and more efficiently, giving you more Shroud Wood per tree.
  • Trade with other players or NPCs. Some players or NPCs may have Shroud Wood that they are willing to exchange for other items or currency. You can find them in towns, outposts, or random encounters.

Uses of Shroud Wood in Enshrouded

Shroud Wood is a rare and powerful resource that can be used for crafting various items and unlocking new features in the game. Some of the items and features that require Shroud Wood are:

Felling Axe

This is an upgraded axe that can be crafted at the Blacksmith with String, Metal Scraps, and Shroud Wood. The Felling Axe can chop down trees faster and more efficiently than the Scrappy Axe. It can also destroy the Shroud Root, which is a giant plant that blocks the access to the Elixir Wells. The Elixir Wells are sources of energy and magic that can be used for various purposes in the game.

Scrappy Rake

This is a terraforming tool that can be crafted at the Blacksmith with String, Metal Scraps, and Shroud Wood. The Scrappy Rake can flatten the terrain, making it easier to build structures and farms in new areas. It can also remove unwanted plants and rocks from the ground.

Scrappy Pickaxe

This is an upgraded pickaxe that can be crafted at the Blacksmith with Metal Scraps and Shroud Wood. The Scrappy Pickaxe can mine rocks and ores faster and more efficiently than the Scrappy Hammer. It can also break through harder materials, such as metal and stone.

Spiritual Cane

This is a magical weapon that can be crafted at the Alchemist with Shroud Wood, Bonemeal, and Resin. The Alchemist is an NPC that can be unlocked by completing the vault quest. The Spiritual Cane can channel the power of the Elixir Wells, allowing you to cast spells and perform rituals. It can also be used as a melee weapon, dealing more damage than the Scrappy Spear.

Shroud Wood Block

This is a building material that can be crafted with Shroud Wood. The Shroud Wood Block has a darker color and a unique texture than the regular Wooden Block. It can be used to build structures and decorations that have a more mysterious and mystical appearance.


Wood is one of the most important resources in Enshrouded, as it can be used for crafting, building, and unlocking new features. However, there are two types of wood in the game: wooden logs and Shroud Wood.

Wooden logs are the basic type of wood that can be obtained by chopping down trees with an axe. Shroud Wood is a special type of wood that can only be found in Enshrouded areas or by crafting an Enshrouded Shroud Wood Scrappy Axe.

Shroud Wood is used for crafting advanced items and unlocking new features, such as the Felling Axe, the Scrappy Rake, the Scrappy Pickaxe, the Spiritual Cane, and the Shroud Wood Block. By knowing how to get and use both types of wood, you’ll be able to survive and thrive in the mysterious world of Enshrouded.