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How Can I Easily Get 30 Point Blank Kills with Special Camo on Jackal PDW in CoD Black Ops 6?

In Black Ops 6, there’s a camo challenge for the Jackal PDW SMG that’s got players frustrated: the 30 point blank kills requirement. Seems simple, right? But as anyone who’s tried knows, it can be a grind. Point blank means being so close to your enemy that you’re practically touching them, which means your aim and timing have to be spot-on. Let’s break down some foolproof ways to make it as easy as possible.

How Can I Easily Get 30 Point Blank Kills with Special Camo on Jackal PDW in CoD Black Ops 6?

First, select Hardcore mode—this mode increases your damage output, so close kills become faster and easier. Hardcore isn’t only about accuracy; it’s about speed. For the Jackal PDW, you want to set up for hip fire. Forget aiming down sights—get your setup tailored for close-range encounters. Equip attachments like a CQB grip for better hip-fire control and a reinforced barrel to keep your shots on target while moving.

Here’s a solid map choice: Stakeout. In Hardcore Faceoff Mosh Pit, look for Stakeout because it’s compact, which forces closer player encounters. Maps like Warhead are too open and make point blank kills tougher. When on Stakeout, keep sprinting straight at your enemies. Imagine being a shadow—always closing in on opponents, sticking to walls, or darting through tight spaces to catch them by surprise.

Game Modes: Opt for modes like Domination or Hardpoint. These match types extend gameplay time, meaning more chances to get close to enemies and score point blanks. Modes like TDM and Kill Confirmed often end too quickly and limit opportunities.

Once you’ve got the right setup, gear up with speed perks. Choose Enforcer, which boosts movement speed after a kill, crucial for chaining close encounters. Flashbangs can help disrupt enemies just before you move in close—blinded opponents are easy point blank targets.

Now, imagine you’re in the match. Run around like there’s no tomorrow—dart through every door, sprint across corners, slide in whenever you spot someone nearby. The key is to get in their face, fire, and keep moving.

If maps keep spawning you far from the action or you can’t get Stakeout, keep trying; finding the right map might take several attempts, but it’s worth it. In one Stakeout match, eight point blank kills in a single round is easily achievable if you stick to these strategies.

Final tip: Make sure to stick to Hardcore, set your attachments for quick fire, and don’t hesitate to switch lobbies if the map or game mode doesn’t favor you. The moment you find the right map and mode, you’ll have a good shot at finishing that point blank requirement fast and unlocking that shiny new camo.