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How to Create and Use Block Displays in Minecraft

  • The article explains what block displays are, how to create them, and how to use them in Minecraft using the Block Display resource pack created by Mcpearsk.
  • The article provides examples of commands, parameters, and item frames that can be used to customize the appearance and behavior of block displays, which can display any block, item, or text as a 3D model.
  • The article also answers some frequently asked questions related to block displays, such as how to install, update, uninstall, and create custom models and animations for them.

Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows players to create and explore infinite worlds. One of the features that makes Minecraft unique is the ability to customize the appearance of the game using resource packs. Resource packs are collections of files that change the textures, sounds, models, and other aspects of the game.

One of the most recent additions to the resource pack system is the block display entity. A block display entity is a special type of entity that can display any block or item in the game as a 3D model. Block displays can be used for various purposes, such as decoration, map making, or data pack creation.

In this article, we will explain what block displays are, how to create them, and how to use them in your Minecraft world. We will also answer some frequently asked questions related to block displays.

How to Create and Use Block Displays in Minecraft

What are Block Displays?

Block displays are entities that can display any block or item in the game as a 3D model. They are similar to armor stands, but instead of holding armor or items, they show blocks or items. Block displays can be rotated, scaled, and positioned in any way you want. They can also have custom names, tags, and NBT data.

Block displays are not available in the vanilla game. They are part of a resource pack called Block Display, created by Mcpearsk. This resource pack adds three new entities to the game: block_display, item_display, and text_display. Each of these entities can display a different type of content:

  • block_display: Displays any block in the game as a 3D model. The block can be specified by its ID or by its NBT data.
  • item_display: Displays any item in the game as a 3D model. The item can be specified by its ID or by its NBT data.
  • text_display: Displays any text in the game as a 3D model. The text can be specified by its JSON format or by its NBT data.

The resource pack also adds a custom command called /display, which can be used to create and modify block displays easily. The command has several subcommands and parameters that allow you to customize the appearance and behavior of the block displays.

How to Create Block Displays?

To create block displays, you need to install the Block Display resource pack on your Minecraft world. You can download the resource pack from Planet Minecraft or from CurseForge. Once you have downloaded the resource pack, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open Minecraft and go to Options > Resource Packs.
  2. Click on Open Resource Pack Folder to open the folder where your resource packs are stored.
  3. Copy and paste the Block Display resource pack file into the folder.
  4. Go back to Minecraft and click on Done.
  5. Click on Resource Packs again and select the Block Display resource pack from the list.
  6. Click on Done again and wait for the resource pack to load.

Now you are ready to create block displays in your world. There are two ways to create block displays: using commands or using item frames.

Using Commands

The easiest way to create block displays is using commands. You can use the /display command to create and modify block displays quickly. The /display command has several subcommands and parameters that allow you to customize the appearance and behavior of the block displays.

The basic syntax of the /display command is:

/display <subcommand> <parameters>

The subcommands are:

  • create: Creates a new block display at a specified location with a specified content.
  • modify: Modifies an existing block display with new parameters.
  • remove: Removes an existing block display from the world.
  • list: Lists all existing block displays in the world.

The parameters are:

  • type: Specifies the type of content to display (block, item, or text).
  • content: Specifies the content to display by its ID or by its NBT data.
  • x y z: Specifies the coordinates where to create or modify the block display.
  • uuid: Specifies the unique identifier of an existing block display to modify or remove.
  • name: Specifies a custom name for the block display.
  • tag: Specifies a custom tag for the block display.
  • rotation: Specifies the rotation of the block display in degrees (0-360).
  • scale: Specifies the scale of the block display as a decimal number (0.01-100).
  • offset_x offset_y offset_z: Specifies an offset for the position of the block display relative to its coordinates (in blocks).
  • visible: Specifies whether the block display is visible or invisible (true or false).
  • glowing: Specifies whether the block display is glowing or not (true or false).
  • gravity: Specifies whether the block display is affected by gravity or not (true or false).
  • invulnerable: Specifies whether the block display is invulnerable or not (true or false).
  • silent: Specifies whether the block display is silent or not (true or false).
  • no_ai: Specifies whether the block display has artificial intelligence or not (true or false).
  • custom_model_data: Specifies a custom model data for the block display (an integer number).

For example, to create a block display that shows a diamond block at the coordinates 100 64 100, you can use this command:

/display create block diamond_block 100 64 100

To create a block display that shows a custom text at the coordinates 200 64 200, you can use this command:

/display create text {“text”:“Hello World!”,“color”:“blue”} 200 64 200

To modify an existing block display with the UUID 1234-5678-9012-3456 to make it invisible and glowing, you can use this command:

/display modify uuid=1234-5678-9012-3456 visible=false glowing=true

To remove an existing block display with the name “My Block Display”, you can use this command:

/display remove name=My Block Display

To list all existing block displays in the world, you can use this command:

/display list

You can also use selectors to target multiple block displays at once. For example, to modify all block displays within a radius of 10 blocks from your position to make them invisible, you can use this command:

/display modify @e[type=block_display,distance=…10] visible=false

Using Item Frames

Another way to create block displays is using item frames. You can place an item frame on the ground and then right-click it with any block or item to create a block display that shows that block or item. The item frame will disappear and the block display will appear in its place.

You can also use a name tag to name the item frame before placing it on the ground. This will give the block display a custom name that you can use to modify or remove it later.

You can also use a dye to color the item frame before placing it on the ground. This will give the block display a custom tag that you can use to modify or remove it later.

You can also use a stick to rotate the item frame before placing it on the ground. This will rotate the block display accordingly.

You can also use a feather to scale the item frame before placing it on the ground. This will scale the block display accordingly.

You can also use a book and quill to write a JSON text and then place it on the ground. This will create a text display that shows the JSON text.

How to Use Block Displays?

Block displays are useful for various purposes, such as decoration, map making, or data pack creation. You can use them to create custom models, animations, signs, logos, statues, and more. You can also interact with them using commands, redstone, or other entities.

Here are some examples of how you can use block displays in your Minecraft world:

  • Create a custom model of a dragon using multiple block displays with different blocks and scales.
  • Create an animation of a flying rocket using multiple block displays with different offsets and rotations.
  • Create a sign that shows your name and rank using a text display with custom colors and fonts.
  • Create a logo of your favorite brand using multiple block displays with different blocks and shapes.
  • Create a statue of your favorite character using multiple block displays with different blocks and poses.
  • Create a puzzle that requires you to place certain blocks on certain block displays to activate a mechanism.
  • Create a data pack that adds new mobs that are made of block displays with custom behaviors and sounds.

The possibilities are endless with block displays. You can use your imagination and creativity to create anything you want in your Minecraft world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions related to block displays:

Question: Do I need any mods to use block displays?

Answer: No, you do not need any mods to use block displays. You only need the Block Display resource pack, which is compatible with any version of Minecraft from 1.8.9 onwards.

Question: How do I install the Block Display resource pack?

Answer: You can download the Block Display resource pack from Planet Minecraft or from CurseForge. Once you have downloaded the resource pack, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open Minecraft and go to Options > Resource Packs.
  2. Click on Open Resource Pack Folder to open the folder where your resource packs are stored.
  3. Copy and paste the Block Display resource pack file into the folder.
  4. Go back to Minecraft and click on Done.
  5. Click on Resource Packs again and select the Block Display resource pack from the list.
  6. Click on Done again and wait for the resource pack to load.

Question: How do I update the Block Display resource pack?

Answer: You can update the Block Display resource pack by downloading the latest version from Planet Minecraft or from CurseForge. Once you have downloaded the latest version, you need to follow the same steps as above to install it. You may need to restart your game for the changes to take effect.

Question: How do I uninstall the Block Display resource pack?

Answer: You can uninstall the Block Display resource pack by following these steps:

  1. Open Minecraft and go to Options > Resource Packs.
  2. Click on Resource Packs again and deselect the Block Display resource pack from the list.
  3. Click on Done and wait for the resource pack to unload.
  4. Click on Open Resource Pack Folder to open the folder where your resource packs are stored.
  5. Delete the Block Display resource pack file from the folder.
  6. Go back to Minecraft and click on Done.

Question: How do I create custom models for block displays?

Answer: You can create custom models for block displays using any 3D modeling software that can export models in JSON format. You can use software such as [Blockbench], [Cubik Studio], or [Minecraft Model Studio] to create custom models easily. Once you have created your custom model, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Save your model as a JSON file with a unique name.
  2. Open the Block Display resource pack folder and go to assets > minecraft > models > entity > block_display.
  3. Copy and paste your JSON file into the folder.
  4. Open the Block Display resource pack folder and go to assets > minecraft > textures > entity > block_display.
  5. Copy and paste any textures that your model uses into the folder.
  6. Open the Block Display resource pack folder and go to pack.mcmeta file with a text editor.
  7. Increase the pack_format number by one to update the resource pack version.
  8. Save and close the file.

Now you can use your custom model in your block displays. You can specify your custom model by using the custom_model_data parameter in the /display command or in the NBT data of the item frame. For example, if your custom model is named dragon.json and has a custom_model_data of 100, you can use this command to create a block display that shows your custom model:

/display create block air 100 64 100 custom_model_data=100

Question: How do I create custom animations for block displays?

Answer: You can create custom animations for block displays using commands, redstone, or data packs. You can use commands such as /display modify, /data modify, or /execute to change the parameters of the block displays over time. You can use redstone circuits such as repeaters, comparators, or observers to trigger the commands at certain intervals. You can use data packs such as functions, predicates, or tags to define custom behaviors and events for the block displays.

For example, to create a simple animation of a block display that rotates 90 degrees every second, you can use this command:

/execute as @e[type=block_display] at @s run display modify uuid=@s rotation=~90

You can place this command in a repeating command block that is powered by a redstone clock. This will make all block displays in your world rotate 90 degrees every second.

To create more complex animations, you can use multiple commands, redstone components, or data pack elements. You can also use variables, selectors, or scoreboards to store and manipulate data for the block displays.


This article is not affiliated with or endorsed by Mojang Studios, Microsoft, or any other entity involved in the development or distribution of Minecraft. The information provided in this article is based on the Block Display resource pack created by Mcpearsk, which is a third-party modification that is not officially supported by Minecraft. The use of this resource pack may cause compatibility issues with other resource packs, mods, or versions of Minecraft. The author of this article is not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the use of this resource pack or this article. Use at your own risk.


Block displays are entities that can display any block or item in the game as a 3D model. They are part of a resource pack called Block Display, created by Mcpearsk. This resource pack adds three new entities to the game: block_display, item_display, and text_display. Each of these entities can display a different type of content: block, item, or text. The resource pack also adds a custom command called /display, which can be used to create and modify block displays easily.

Block displays are useful for various purposes, such as decoration, map making, or data pack creation. You can use them to create custom models, animations, signs, logos, statues, and more. You can also interact with them using commands, redstone, or other entities.

We hope this article has helped you understand what block displays are, how to create them, and how to use them in your Minecraft world. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading! 😊