Learn the correct CICS command to display all transactions in a region. The ‘CEMT I TA’ command provides a comprehensive view of transaction status and details.
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Command to display all the transaction of a CICS region is
A. f CICSxx,cemt ta
B. f CICSxx,cemt i ta
C. F CICSxx,cesf ta
D. F CICSxx,cest ta
The correct command to display all the transactions of a CICS region is:
B. f CICSxx,cemt i ta
Here’s what each part of the command means:
- f CICSxx: The ‘f’ or ‘MODIFY’ command sends a modify request to the CICS job, where ‘xx’ is the CICS region identifier. This tells CICS which region you want to issue the subsequent command to.
- cemt: CEMT is the CICS master terminal transaction that allows you to inquire about and change various CICS system parameters and resources.
- i ta: ‘I’ stands for inquire and ‘TA’ specifies the resource type transactions. So ‘i ta’ tells CEMT to display information about transactions.
When you enter this command, CICS will respond with a list of all transactions currently defined in that CICS region, along with key information about each one such as its status (enabled or disabled), priority, class, and more.
The other options are incorrect because:
- ‘cemt ta’ is missing the inquire (‘i’) parameter
- ‘cesf ta’ and ‘cest ta’ are not valid CEMT syntax
So in summary, to get a full listing of all transactions in a CICS region, use the command:
f CICSxx,cemt i ta
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