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Why Some Contacts Can’t Receive Your WhatsApp Broadcast Messages But Can Receive Normal Messages?

Are you scratching your head, wondering why some of your contacts aren’t receiving your WhatsApp broadcast messages, even though they can receive your regular messages just fine? It’s a common issue that many WhatsApp users face, and it can be quite frustrating.

Why Some Contacts Can't Receive Your WhatsApp Broadcast Messages But Can Receive Normal Messages?

The main reason behind this problem is simple: contacts who haven’t saved your number in their address book won’t receive your broadcast messages. When creating a broadcast list, WhatsApp clearly states that only contacts with your number saved will receive the messages. This restriction doesn’t apply to regular messages, which can be sent to anyone, regardless of whether they have your number saved or not.

To ensure your broadcast messages reach your intended recipients, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new broadcast list by tapping the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of WhatsApp.
  2. Select the contacts you want to add to the list.
  3. Tap the checkmark icon at the bottom right corner to confirm your selection.

If you’re certain that a contact has saved your number, but they still aren’t receiving your broadcast messages, consider these possibilities:

  • The contact may have changed their phone number. If their old number is in your broadcast list, your messages won’t reach them. Ask the contact to add your number to their new phone’s address book, and update their number in your broadcast list.
  • Network issues can sometimes interfere with the delivery of broadcast messages, even if regular messages are getting through. Try moving to an area with a stronger network connection to resolve this issue.

If both your regular and broadcast messages aren’t being delivered, it could be due to:

  • Lack of internet access: WhatsApp requires a stable internet connection to function properly. Check your Wi-Fi or mobile data and make any necessary adjustments.
  • The contact may have blocked you: If you see a single checkmark that doesn’t change to double checkmarks after sending a message, and you notice an empty profile photo, blank WhatsApp stories, or no last seen status, it’s possible you’ve been blocked.

By understanding these common causes and taking the appropriate steps to address them, you can ensure your WhatsApp broadcast messages reach all your intended recipients without any hiccups.