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What’s the Quickest Route to Breach Gorak’s Private Suite in Star Wars Outlaws?

Are you ready to break into Gorak’s Suite in Star Wars Outlaws? It’s a private spot, but you’ll need to get in there to finish the game. Sure, it’s not exactly legal, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, right?
Finding Gorak’s Suite is a piece of cake, but figuring out how to get inside can be tricky.

What's the Quickest Route to Breach Gorak's Private Suite in Star Wars Outlaws?

I’ve got your back with this step-by-step guide:

  1. Waltz into the club like you own the place.
  2. Scope out the left side of the room and you’ll spot a balcony entrance. Head on through.
  3. Take a leisurely stroll along the balcony until you come across a storage room.
  4. On the left, there’s a small vent just begging to be lockpicked. Show off your skills and pop it open.
  5. Shimmy up the ladder inside the vent and keep crawling until you find a spot to drop down.
  6. Congrats, you’re back in the building! Hit the turbolift button and enjoy the ride straight to Gorak’s Suite.

See? Easy peasy! The toughest part is probably the lockpicking, but if you’re struggling, just hop into the settings and tone down the difficulty. No shame in that game.

If you’re more of a visual learner, I’ve got you covered too. Just take a peek at the balcony in the image above. If you’re still lost, wander around the club until you spot it. Once you’re there, it’s smooth sailing.

In Star Wars Outlaws, sneaking around is a big deal, so get used to hunting down sneaky ways into off-limits areas like this one. Practice makes perfect, so start honing those skills now!