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What Does Letter O Before Phone Number Mean on iPhone?

The letter ‘O’ before a phone number on iPhone contacts is a mystery for many users. What does it mean and how does it affect the phone calls? This article will explain the origin and meaning of this letter, and how to remove it if needed.

The Origin of the Letter ‘O’

The letter ‘O’ before a phone number is not a feature of the iPhone itself, but rather a legacy of some older phone systems. In the past, some phone companies used letters to indicate different types of phone numbers, such as:

  • O for Office
  • F for Fax
  • H for Home
  • M for Mobile
  • P for Pager

These letters were often printed on business cards or phone directories to help people identify the purpose of each phone number. However, with the advent of smartphones and digital contacts, these letters became obsolete and unnecessary.

What Does Letter O Before Phone Number Mean on iPhone?

The Meaning of the Letter ‘O’

The letter ‘O’ before a phone number on iPhone contacts does not have any special meaning or function. It is simply a leftover from the old phone systems that used letters to classify phone numbers. The iPhone does not recognize or use these letters in any way, and treats them as part of the phone number itself.

This means that the letter ‘O’ does not affect the phone calls or the caller ID in any way. The iPhone will dial the number as it is, including the letter ‘O’, and the recipient will see the number as it is, including the letter ‘O’. The letter ‘O’ does not indicate that the phone number is an office number, or that it has any special features or restrictions.

How to Remove the Letter ‘O’

If the letter ‘O’ before a phone number on iPhone contacts bothers you, or if you want to simplify your contacts, you can easily remove it. There are two ways to do this:

Method 1: Manually edit each contact and delete the letter ‘O’ from the phone number field

This can be done by tapping on the contact, tapping on Edit, tapping on the phone number, and deleting the letter ‘O’. Then, tap on Done to save the changes.

Method 2: Use a third-party app that can bulk edit contacts and remove the letter ‘O’ from all phone numbers

There are many apps that can do this, such as Cleaner, Smart Merge, or Contacts Optimizer. These apps can scan your contacts, find the ones with the letter ‘O’, and remove it automatically. However, be careful when using these apps, as they may also make other changes to your contacts, such as merging duplicates, deleting unused fields, or syncing with other sources. Always backup your contacts before using these apps, and review the changes before applying them.


The letter ‘O’ before a phone number on iPhone contacts is a remnant of the old phone systems that used letters to classify phone numbers. It does not have any special meaning or function, and does not affect the phone calls or the caller ID. If you want to remove it, you can either edit each contact manually, or use a third-party app that can bulk edit contacts.