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What Are the Best Gifts to Win Over Liam’s Heart in Sun Haven?

If you’re trying to capture Liam’s heart in Sun Haven, pay close attention to his gift preferences. As the town’s hardworking baker, Liam appreciates thoughtful presents that reflect his personality and interests. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Liam adores soft, cozy gifts like giant bunny or teddy plushies that bring comfort and warmth.
  2. Treat him to sweet delights such as cookies, hot chocolate, or his favorite coffee to make his day brighter.
  3. Show your support for his baking passion by gifting him a chef hat or essential ingredients like flour, wheat, or barley.
  4. Liam also enjoys practical items that help with his work, such as a scythe or logs for the oven.
  5. Avoid spicy or overly flavorful food items like spicy catsup or sweet and spicy shrimp, as they don’t suit his taste.

What Are the Best Gifts to Win Over Liam's Heart in Sun Haven?

Remember, the key to winning Liam’s affection is to choose presents that demonstrate your understanding of his gentle nature and dedication to his craft. By selecting gifts he loves or likes, you’ll be one step closer to capturing this sweet baker’s heart in Sun Haven.

Birthday: 5th of Summer

Loved Gifts:

  • Chef Hat
  • Coffee
  • Demon Coffee
  • Giant Bunny Plushies
  • Giant Teddy Plushies
  • Hot Chocolate

Liked Gifts:

  • Barley
  • Cinnamon Spice Latte
  • Coal
  • Cookies
  • Fire Crystal
  • Flour
  • Hearty Pie
  • Log
  • Scythe
  • Sunflower
  • Wheat

Disliked Gifts:

  • Cinnaberry
  • Red Veggie Soup
  • Spicy Catsup
  • Spicy Ramen
  • Sweet and Spicy Shrimp