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What Are the Best Gifts to Win Anne’s Heart in Sun Haven?

If you want to capture Anne’s attention in Sun Haven, you’ll need to think big. As a savvy merchant, she appreciates the finer things in life. To really make an impression, consider these top-tier gifts:

  1. Cheesecake: A decadent slice of creamy goodness is sure to satisfy her sweet tooth.
  2. Diamonds: Nothing says luxury like a sparkling gemstone.
  3. Money Bag: Appeal to her business-minded nature with a generous cash gift.
  4. Persian Love Cake: This exotic dessert is the perfect way to show your affection.
  5. Shimmer Root: A rare and valuable plant that will pique her interest.
  6. Wine: A bottle of fine wine is always a classy choice.

What Are the Best Gifts to Win Anne's Heart in Sun Haven?

Other gifts that will put a smile on Anne’s face include amethyst, black forest cake, eclairs, gold bars, gold ore, raspberries, red velvet cake or cupcakes, rubies, sapphires, and wheat.

However, steer clear of presenting her with catfish, coal, or stone. These mundane items are unlikely to win you any points with this discerning lady.

Remember, when it comes to impressing Anne, it’s go big or go home. Opt for gifts that reflect her refined tastes and ambitious nature, and you’ll be well on your way to capturing her heart.

Birthday: 19th of Winter

Loved Gifts:

  • Cheesecake
  • Diamonds
  • Money Bag
  • Persian Love Cake
  • Shimmer Root
  • Wine

Liked Gifts:

  • Amethyst
  • Black Forest Cake
  • Eclair
  • Gold Bar
  • Gold Ore
  • Raspberries
  • Red Velvet Cake
  • Red Velvet Cupcake
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Wheat

Disliked Gifts:

  • Catfish
  • Coal
  • Stone