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Strategy to Pressure and Defeat Venorat in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Venorats are central to side quests, requiring players to induce the pressure status ailment during battle. To pressure an enemy, exploit its elemental weakness to augment the staggered bar. Utilize the Assess Materia ability to discern the weakness, a crucial tool Cloud possesses from the game’s onset.

Strategy to Pressure and Defeat Venorat in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

The Assess Materia is indispensable for identifying weaknesses, whether in boss fights or standard encounters. Thunderclaw, another monster in the Grassland area, shares a similar quest with Venorat, making it essential to anticipate their weaknesses in advance.

As part of the Fiend Intel 1: Voracious and Venomous quest in FF7 Rebirth Grasslands, players confront two Venorats and accomplish three sub-quests to conclude the side mission. To stagger the Venorat, exploit its vulnerability to Ice-based Magic attacks. Acquire various Materia to unlock the ability to use Ice-based attacks. Fire and Ice Materia, purchasable from Chadley at the Grassland Chocobo Farm, can be equipped to Cloud to grant him the spell Blizzard.

Casting Blizzard once on a Venorat will pressure it, then continue with basic attacks to stagger it. Achieving the secondary mission of not getting Poisoned should be feasible if the Venorats are eliminated swiftly before they can retaliate.