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How to fix “Smite is waiting for verification” error when start at Steam Client?


Steam Client show error “Smite is waiting for verification” after Smite launches. This issue may be caused by some of the game processes might corrupt.

Smite on Steam

Solution 1: Restart Services from the Client

  1. Open Steam Client.
  2. Navigate to Library tab and locate Smite in the list of games.
  3. Right-click on the game and choose Play Game entry.
  4. If the game is not installed through Steam, simply locate the game’s launcher on your computer and double click on it.
  5. Click the gear-like icon to open Settings.
  6. Click Troubleshoot button > Restart Services option.

Solution 2: Kill HiPatchService.exe Process in Task Manager

  1. Launch the game via Steam or by running the Smite launcher.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination to open Task Manager.
  3. Click on More details to expand Task Manager and search for HiPatchService.exe process.
  4. Select HiPatchService.exe process and choose End task option.
  5. Reopen Steam client.

Solution 3: Start Make New Account

  1. Open Steam Client.
  2. Navigate to Library tab and locate Smite in the list of games.
  3. Right-click on the game and choose Play Game entry.
  4. If the game is not installed through Steam, simply locate the game’s launcher on your computer and double click on it.
  5. Click HiRez button and choose to Make a New Account.
  6. Exit when the Make a new account window appears.

Solution 4: Reinstall HirezService

  1. Open Steam client, navigate to Library tab and locate Smite in the list of games.
  2. Right-click on the game and choose Properties entry.
  3. Navigate to Local Files tab > Browser Local Files button.
  4. If the game is not installed through Steam, locate the game’s shortcut on the Desktop, right-click on it and choose Open file location.
  5. Navigate to Binaries > Redist and double-click to open InstallHiRezService.exe executable.
  6. If the service is installed, make sure you choose to uninstall it from within the executable. If it’s not installed, install it before reopening the game again.

Solution 5: Reinstall Smite

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > switch to View as: Category > Uninstall a Program under the Programs section.
  2. Click on Smite once and click Uninstall button.
  3. If you have installed the game on Steam, open Steam client and navigate to Library tab and locate Smite in the list of games.
  4. Right-click on the game and choose Uninstall button.
  5. Download Smite from HiRez or from Steam by locating in Library and choose Install button after right-cling on it.