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How to Fix Microsoft Outlook 2016 Prompt Start in Safe Mode, Faulting module Event 2000?


In Windows 10 environment, When try to open Microsoft Outlook 2016 (or another Office application on Windows Terminal Services), error message below prompting:

"Something is wrong with one of your data files and outlook needs to close."

repair Outlook 2016 inbox
"Outlook couldn't start last time. Safe mode could help you troubleshoot the problem, but some features might not be available in this mode."
"Do you want to start in safe mode?"

Open Outlook 2016 in Safe Mode

Event viewer show below error happen:
Event ID: 2000
Source: Outlook
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\mspst32.dll

Solution: Remove resiliency registry key

Resiliency registry key for Outlook is new for Outlook 2002. If no problems are encountered, the Resiliency key is deleted. If one of the many tests that Outlook makes at startup fail, TermSrvCopyKeyOnce subkeys are written under Resiliency key and is not deleted. If the key remains, the next start of Outlook gives the prompt.

  1. Open Registry Editor (regedit) with Administrator right.
  2. Check if Resiliency key exists: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\Install\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\resiliency.
  3. Delete Resiliency key if found.

Note: Backup registry key before delete.