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How to fix gpresult INFO “The user does not have RSOP data” error?

Problem Description

Upon executing the “gpresult /r” command in order to display the Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) summary data, Windows Group Policy (GPO) was not applied successfully, resulting in an error message of “INFO: The user does not have RSOP data” was displayed and also not showing user group memberships. This technical issue is affecting both Windows 7 nd Windows 10.

Solved: How do I fix gpresult INFO "The user does not have RSOP data" error

Solution 1: Add GroupPolicyMinTransferRate Registry Key to Disable Slow Link Detection

  1. Login PC with Administrator right then open Registry Editor.
  2. Add 2 GroupPolicyMinTransferRate registry key as stated below:
  3. Restart the computer.
  4. Alternatively, these registry settings are otherwise set by the following Group Policy settings:
    Policy location: Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Group Policy
    Policy location: User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Group Policy
    Policy name: Group Policy slow link detection
    Policy setting: Enabled with a value of 0

Solution 2: Remove User Profile’s GPO History via Registry Key

  1. Open Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to below registry path:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\History
  3. Remove all GPO history from the user’s profile inside. Backup the register keys before you delete them.
  4. Open command prompt (cmd) to execute gpupdate /force and gpresult /h command again.

Solution 3: Uncheck “Set this printer as the default printer…” option in User Configuration GPO

  1. Open Group Policy Editor.
  2. Navigate to User Configuration > Preferences > Control Panel Settings > Printers.
  3. Right-click Printer and click Properties.
  4. In General tab > Shared Printer section, make sure the option Set this printer as the default printer is unchecked.Set this printer as the default printer group policy
  5. Click ok to apply the change.
  6. Execute gpupdate /force and gpresult /h command again in client PC.