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Solved: How to fix Adobe Acrobat Error 110: The Document Could Not Be Saved

Are you struggling with Adobe Acrobat Error 110? Are you encountering the Adobe Acrobat Error 110 while trying to save a PDF file? Don’t worry, we have the most detailed guide to help you fix the issue and get your document saved without any errors.


Adobe Acrobat is a popular PDF editor and viewer that many individuals and organizations use to create, edit, share, and save PDF documents. However, sometimes you may encounter an annoying error message while trying to save a PDF document that has been created with a third-party software or has some damaged elements, one of the most common errors is Adobe Acrobat Error 110: The Document Could Not Be Saved.

The detailed error message is as below:

The document could not be saved. There was a problem reading this document (110).

Solved: How to fix Adobe Acrobat Error 110: The Document Could Not Be Saved

This error message can be frustrating and may prevent you from saving your work. If you are facing the same issue, don’t panic. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the possible causes of this error and offer the most effective solutions to fix it.

Reasons Behind Adobe Acrobat Error 110

Adobe Acrobat Error 110 usually occurs when the PDF document has been corrupted or contains some damaged elements. Some of the reasons behind this error are:

  • Incomplete or corrupt downloads
  • Damaged elements in the PDF document
  • PDF files created with third-party software
  • Incompatible PDF files with the Acrobat version being used
  • Corrupted fonts or images

Causes of Adobe Acrobat Error 110

There are several reasons why you may encounter Adobe Acrobat Error 110 while saving a PDF document. Some of the common causes include:

  • Corrupted PDF file: If the PDF file you’re trying to save is corrupted, you may encounter the error message.
  • Outdated software: Using an outdated version of Adobe Acrobat or outdated software on your computer can cause the error.
  • Insufficient disk space: If your computer’s hard drive is full or running low on disk space, you may encounter the error message.
  • Third-party plug-ins: Certain third-party plug-ins installed in Adobe Acrobat can also cause the error.
  • File permissions: If you don’t have the necessary permissions to save the file or the file is stored in a location with restricted access, you may encounter the error message.

Solutions to Fix Adobe Acrobat Error 110

If you’re encountering Adobe Acrobat Error 110 while trying to save a PDF file, here are some effective solutions you can try to fix Adobe Acrobat Error 110:

Method 1: Update Adobe Acrobat

Ensure that you’re using the latest version of Adobe Acrobat. If not, update the software to the latest version, which may have bug fixes and improvements that could resolve the error. Sometimes, older versions of Acrobat may not support the latest PDF documents, resulting in the error.

Update Adobe Acrobat

Method 2: Save a copy

Try saving a copy of the PDF file to a different location or with a different name. This may help resolve the error if the original file is corrupted.

Saving a copy of the PDF file to a different location or with a different name.

Method 3: Save the PDF Document as a Different File Format

If the PDF document is not critical, you can try to save it in another file format such as JPEG, PNG, or BMP. Then, you can convert the file back to a PDF document using Adobe Acrobat. This solution will help you to remove any damaged elements in the original PDF document.

Save the PDF Document as a Different File Format

Method 4: Check disk space

Ensure that your computer has sufficient disk space to save the file. If not, free up some space by deleting unnecessary files or moving them to an external drive.

Method 5: Use Adobe Preflight Tool

Adobe Preflight Tool is a powerful tool that can help you to identify and fix errors in PDF documents. This tool will scan the PDF document and provide you with a detailed report on any issues. You can then fix the issues and save the document without any trouble.

Use Adobe Preflight Tool

Method 6: Check the Fonts and Images

Sometimes, corrupted fonts or images can cause Adobe Acrobat Error 110. You can try to remove any embedded fonts or images from the PDF document and then save it. Then, you can add the fonts and images back to the document and save it again.

Remove any embedded fonts or images from the PDF document and then save it.

Method 7: Remove third-party plug-ins

Remove any third-party plug-ins installed in Adobe Acrobat, as these can interfere with the software and cause errors.

Method 8: Change file permissions

Check the file permissions and ensure that you have the necessary permissions to save the file. If the file is stored in a location with restricted access, move it to a different location with the required permissions.


Q. What is Adobe Acrobat Error 110?
A. Adobe Acrobat Error 110 is an error message that occurs when users try to save a PDF document that has been created with a third-party software or contains some damaged elements.

Q. Can I fix Adobe Acrobat Error 110?
A. Yes, you can fix Adobe Acrobat Error 110 by using some effective solutions such as saving the PDF document as a different file format, updating Adobe Acrobat, using Adobe Preflight Tool, and checking the fonts and images.

Q. Can I prevent Adobe Acrobat Error 110?
A. Yes, you can prevent Adobe Acrobat Error 110 by using the latest version of Adobe Acrobat, creating PDF documents with Adobe Acrobat, and avoiding third-party software.


Adobe Acrobat Error 110 can be a frustrating issue for users who work with PDF documents regularly. However, with the solutions mentioned above, you can easily fix the error and continue working on your PDF file without any issues. Remember to always use the latest version of Adobe Acrobat, create PDF documents with Adobe Acrobat, and avoid third-party software to prevent this error from occurring in the future.