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Solved: How to determine whether White Space or TAB character exist in text string?


I am trying to determine whether the following string of characters has a TAB character after the “e.”

e. Custom Fields [HMC: SteveKairys FinalTest 6

I copied into NOTEPAD++, and enable the Show White Space and TAB function from the View > Show Symbol menu, hoping there was a mode to display the TAB character.

I copied into NOTEPAD++, and enable the Show White Space and TAB function hoping there was a mode to display the TAB character.

But I’m not seeing it.

But I'm not seeing it.

How can I determine if a TAB character exists in the text string?


The little dots shown indicated a spaces and the arrow character is indicated a TAB character. In NOTEPAD++, PsPad, and other text editors all showing special characters this way.

Show White Space and TAB view option in Notepad++ displays yellow dots for White Spaces and yellow arrows for TAB indents in the script. This function can save precious time locating places where the indentation is wrong.

Show White Space and TAB view option in Notepad++ displays yellow dots for White Spaces and yellow arrows for TAB indents in the script.