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Solved: How do I check the sessions table of single virtual server?

This article describes how to check the sessions for one particular virtual server.


There is a session table in FortiADC which records the information related to the sessions getting established on FortiADC.

Whenever the page refreshes, it will automatically removes the expired session.

Step 1: To check on the GUI, go to Fortiview Tab and select to expand.

Step 2: Select Virtual server under the server load balance category and it will open the list of virtual servers configured.

Step 3: Select to open the one wanted to see the sessions for.

Note: By default, the analytics will be disabled so need to select the checkbox of virtual server and then select Enable Analytics.

By default, the analytics will be disabled so need to select the checkbox of virtual server and then select Enable Analytics.

This warning will appear when the analytics are enabled:

This warning will appear when the analytics are enabled.

Step 4: Select Ok and later, after troubleshooting, it is possible to disable it back.

Step 5: After enabling, select to open the virtual server wanted to see the session table and select the session tab on the right side.

After enabling, select to open the virtual server wanted to see the session table and select the session tab on the right side.

Step 6: It is possible to set the filter based on the available filters if there are multiple sessions.