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Solved: How to fix PageSpeed Insights unable to resolve error “Try checking the URL for validity”

PageSpeed Insights is a tool that analyzes the performance and user experience of web pages. However, sometimes it may fail to resolve the URL of a valid website and show an error message: “Try checking the URL for validity”. This article will explain the possible causes and solutions for this error.

Problem Symptom

PageSpeed Insights and Measure page quality shows unable to resolve error with message “Try checking the URL for validity” while I try to check a valid website URL. I have tried to browse the same URL on different browser directly and it loads OK.

The detailed error message is as below:

Try checking the URL for validity

Solved: How do I fix PageSpeed Insights unable to resolve error "Try checking the URL for validity"?

What Causes PageSpeed Insights Unable to Resolve Error?

The PageSpeed Insights unable to resolve error may occur due to various reasons, such as:

  • Incorrect URL: The URL entered may have typos, extra characters, or invalid syntax.
  • Firewall or security plugin: The website may have a firewall or a security plugin that blocks the requests from PageSpeed Insights or Google bots.
  • DNS changes: The website may have recently changed its DNS settings or migrated to a new server, which may take some time to propagate.
  • Hosting service provider issues: The website may have some issues with its hosting service provider, such as server downtime, configuration errors, or maintenance.

How to Solve PageSpeed Insights Unable to Resolve Error?

Depending on the cause of the error, there are different methods that can help solve the PageSpeed Insights unable to resolve error. Here are some of the most effective solutions that you can try:

Solution 1: Verify the URL entered is correct

One of the simplest ways to solve the PageSpeed Insights unable to resolve error is to verify that the URL entered is correct. Make sure that there are no typos, extra characters, or invalid syntax in the URL. For example, avoid using colons or backslashes after the domain name, such as or

Verify again to make sure you have entered the correct URL without additional colon or backslash.

Solution 2: Check any traffic blocked by firewall or security plugin

Another possible solution is to check if the website has a firewall or a security plugin that could be blocking the traffic from PageSpeed Insights or Google bots. Some firewalls or security plugins may have rules or settings that restrict access based on the user-agent, IP address, or location of the requester. To fix this, you may need to whitelist the PageSpeed Insights or Google bots user-agents or IP addresses, or disable the firewall or security plugin temporarily.

Solution 3: Check any DNS changes

Another possible cause of the PageSpeed Insights unable to resolve error is the DNS changes that may have happened recently. If the website has changed its DNS settings or migrated to a new server, it may take some time for the changes to propagate and reflect on the PageSpeed Insights tool. To check the DNS status of the website, you can use tools like DNS Checker or, which can show the DNS records of the website from different locations. If the DNS records are not consistent or updated, you may need to wait for some time or contact your DNS provider for assistance.

Solution 4: Contact Hosting Service Provider Support

Another possible solution is to contact the hosting service provider support of the website and ask them to help troubleshoot the issue. The hosting service provider may have some issues with their server, such as downtime, configuration errors, or maintenance, which may affect the website’s availability and performance. The hosting service provider support may be able to identify and resolve the issue from their end.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: What is PageSpeed Insights?

Answer: PageSpeed Insights is a tool that analyzes the performance and user experience of web pages. It provides a score and recommendations for improving the page speed and core web vitals.

Question: What is the PageSpeed Insights unable to resolve error?

Answer: The PageSpeed Insights unable to resolve error is an error that occurs when the tool fails to resolve the URL of a valid website and shows an error message: “Try checking the URL for validity”.

Question: How can I solve the PageSpeed Insights unable to resolve error?

Answer: Some of the possible methods to solve the PageSpeed Insights unable to resolve error are:

  • Verify the URL entered is correct
  • Check any traffic blocked by firewall or security plugin
  • Check any DNS changes
  • Contact hosting service provider support


The PageSpeed Insights unable to resolve error is a common error that occurs when the tool fails to resolve the URL of a valid website. This error may be caused by various reasons, such as incorrect URL, firewall or security plugin, DNS changes, or hosting service provider issues. To solve this error, you can try different methods, such as verifying the URL, checking the firewall or security plugin, checking the DNS changes, or contacting the hosting service provider support.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. The methods and solutions provided in this article may not work for every situation and may have potential risks. The author and the publisher are not liable for any damages or losses that may result from the use of the information in this article. Always backup your data and consult a qualified IT expert before making any changes to your system.