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Proven Strategies to Resolve Null Object Reference Error in Friday Night Funkin Gameplay

In this guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to effectively resolve the notorious null object reference error in Friday Night Funkin. This error can be a significant trouble to gaming experience, causing crashes and interruptions that disrupt your rhythm and enjoyment.

By following our clear and straightforward instructions, you’ll be able to identify the source of the issue and implement targeted solutions to ensure a seamless and uninterrupted gaming session.

  • It’s important to determine whether the null object reference error stems from a mod or an inherent problem within the game itself.
  • If a mod is the culprit, the most effective course of action is to remove or update the problematic mod to eliminate the error.

Proven Strategies to Resolve Null Object Reference Error in Friday Night Funkin Gameplay

However, if the issue lies within the game, then proceed with the next solution.

  1. Use the Windows search function to locate the “funkin-windows” folder on your computer.
  2. Once found, open the folder.
  3. Identify the URL field at the top of the window.
  4. Copy the game’s location from this field, as it will be essential for the following steps.
  5. Open the Windows PowerShell by searching for it using the Windows search function.
  6. Paste the previously copied game location into the command line, preceded by the “CD” command, and press enter. This command will navigate the PowerShell to the correct directory, allowing you to execute the necessary commands to resolve the null object reference error: cd C:\Users\hwlim\Downloads\funkin-windows-64bit
  7. With the PowerShell now pointed to the correct location, paste the following command and press enter: tee log.txt | .\funkin.exe.

This command serves two purposes: it creates a log file that can help with troubleshooting, and it launches Friday Night Funkin with the necessary parameters to address the null object reference error.