The latest Microsoft AI-900 Azure AI Fundamentals certification actual real practice exam question and answer (Q&A) dumps are available free, which are helpful for you to pass the Microsoft AI-900 Azure AI Fundamentals exam and earn Microsoft AI-900 Azure AI Fundamentals certification.
Table of Contents
Question 301
Which feature of Azure provides the capability to deploy an AI solution without having to code?
Azure machine learning designer
Question 302
You are creating a company expense claim application. you wish to train a machine learning model using your own expense claim forms and labeled data. This is an example of
Supervised learning
Question 303
The OCR API in Azure Computer Vision service is used to scan newspapers and magazines
Question 304
You want to use some of your data for training a model and the remaining data for evaluation of the model. Which data transformation module do you have to add to your pipeline?
Split data
Question 305
What is the maximum file size for the READ API?
Question 306
Image classification
Can be used for medical imaging diagnosis
Question 307
You need to ensure your AI based application users are aware of the limitations of your app. This is an example of which Microsoft responsible AI principle?
Question 308
For a binary classification model, what does an AUC of 0.5 mean?
Your models performance is the same as random guessing of classes
Question 309
You have developed a custom vision service and now wish to allow application developers to use your service. What information do the developers need?
- Prediction key
- Product ID
- Model name
- Prediction endpoint
Question 310
What is the maximum image size for the OCR API
4200 x 4200 pixels