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How to Fix Hub option greyed out whenc onfiguring ADVPN tunnel using IPSec tunnel wizard

This article describes how to troubleshoot when Hub option is greyed out on the IPSec tunnel wizard.




When creating an ADVPN IPsec tunnel from the IPsec wizard, the Hub role is greyed out:

When creating an ADVPN IPsec tunnel from the IPsec wizard, the Hub role is greyed out.

The same device cannot be configured as a Hub and a Spoke, so when FortiGate is configured as a Spoke, the hub option is greyed out on the FortiGate wizard

To check if the device is configured as spoke, run the following command:

sh vpn ipsec phase1-int | grep -B10 auto-discovery-receiver


Tunnel-made test is configured as spoken here:

Home-FGT (root) # sh vpn ipsec phase1-int | grep -B10 auto-discovery-receiver
edit "test"
set interface "wan1"
set peertype any
set net-device enable
set proposal aes128-sha256 aes256-sha256 aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1
set add-route disable
set dpd on-idle
set comments "VPN: test (Created by VPN wizard)"
set wizard-type spoke-fortigate-auto-discovery
set auto-discovery-receiver enable