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How to turn thoughts into polished content using ChatGPT

ChatGPT’s voice mode feature now allows you to convert your spoken ideas into well-written text, summaries, and action items, boosting your creativity and productivity.


  1. Enable “Background Conversations” in the ChatGPT app settings.
  2. Start a new chat with the prompt shown in the image above (it was too long for this email).
  3. Speak your thoughts freely, pausing as needed, and say “I’m done” when you’ve expressed all your ideas.
  4. Review the AI-generated text, summary, and action items, and save them to your notes.

Pro tip: Try going on a long walk and rambling any ideas to ChatGPT using this trick — you’ll be amazed by the summary you get at the end.

How to turn thoughts into polished content using ChatGPT