Are you excited to dive into the action-packed world of Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 on your PC, but your controller just won’t cooperate? Let’s walk through some simple steps to get you back in the game in no time.
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Solution 1: Restart Steam
First things first, try restarting Steam. It’s a classic move, but sometimes it does the trick. Just click on “Steam” at the top, then “Exit.” Once it’s closed, fire it up again and launch the game. Still no luck? No problem, we’ve got more tricks up our sleeve.
Solution 2: Disable Steam Input
Next, let’s try disabling Steam Input. Here’s how:
- Close the game.
- Right-click on the game and select “Properties“.
- Head to the “Controller” tab.
- Choose “Disable Steam Input“.
- Launch the game and see if your controller springs to life.
If that doesn’t work, you can always try enabling Steam Input again from the same menu. It’s worked for many gamers, so it’s definitely worth a shot!
Solution 3: Restart your PC
Sometimes, a simple computer restart can do wonders. Give it a try and then launch the game again. If you’re still stuck, let’s keep troubleshooting.
Solution 4: Disconnect external device
Take a look at your external devices. If you’ve got any extras lying around that you’re not using, like a HOTAS, wheel pedals, or USB adapters, unplug them. Occasionally, these devices can interfere with your controller’s connection.
If you’re rocking a virtual controller like vJoy, try uninstalling or disabling it before launching the game. And if you’re playing on multiple monitors, try launching the game on just one screen to see if that makes a difference.
Solution 5: Launcn in big picture mode
Still no joy? Let’s dive into Big Picture Mode on Steam. Click the “Enter Big Picture Mode” button on the top right of your Steam window, then launch the game from there. This mode can sometimes resolve pesky controller issues.
Solution 6: Install reWASD /DS4 Windows
For all you PS5 controller fans out there, check out reWASD or DS4Windows software. These handy tools can help your controller play nice with your PC.
Solution 7: Switch to wired controller
If all else fails, try using a wired connection. Plug your controller directly into your computer using a USB cable, then launch the game and see if it responds.
Remember, every gamer’s setup is unique, so what works for one might not work for another. But with a little persistence and some trial and error, you’ll be back to blasting baddies in Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 before you know it.