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How to Join or Host Multiplayer Game in Supermarket Together

Supermarket Together offers an exciting multiplayer experience, allowing you to play alongside friends. Here’s how to get started:

How to Join or Host Multiplayer Game in Supermarket Together

Hosting a Game

  1. Start a new game or load a saved one from the main menu.
  2. Choose your server type: private, public, or friends-only.
  3. Select public for open access or friends-only to generate an invite code.
  4. Share the code with up to 15 friends for them to join your server.

Joining a Friend’s Game

  1. Obtain the invite code from your friend who’s hosting.
  2. Enter the code to load into their server and start playing together.

Remember, each time you exit the game, a new code and server can be created for your next multiplayer session.