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How to get Reika and Keigo as followers in Mad Island

To successfully recruit Reika and Keigo as followers in Mad Island, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Get past the old man by either fighting him, going around, or using the flag skip exploit.
  2. From the starting beach, head east, cross the bridge, and continue until you reach a tent.
  3. Defeat the Old Man to obtain the Man Bench Recipe.
  4. Proceed north of the Old Man’s tent to trigger the encounter with Reika and Keigo.
  5. Choose either the “Observe” or “Scream” option to determine the scene you witness (both lead to Takumi ambushing them).
  6. After the scene, enter the swamp and stay on the right side until you reach the next event.
  7. Defeat Takumi in the fight, causing him to flee to the north.
  8. Witness Keigo and Reika arguing, and decide to side with either Keigo or Reika:
    • Siding with Keigo breaks their relationship, allowing the Male MC to romance Reika.
    • Siding with Reika leads to their reconciliation and unlocks another event south of their camp.
  9. If you sided with Reika, you can either allow them to get back together or interrupt, leading back to the Male MC quest.

How to get Reika and Keigo as followers in Mad Island

To pursue the Male MC romance with Reika:

  1. After breaking off Reika and Keigo’s relationship, switch to the Male MC and return to the beach where Yona/Fem MC fought Takumi.
  2. Look for a blue marker on the map indicating the event where Male MC can interact with Reika.
  3. Raise your affinity with Reika by dancing (using a love potion or repeatedly pressing Q) to start the conversation.
  4. During the event, you can either insult Keigo (ending the questline) or console Reika (continuing to the next event).
  5. If you choose “I Love Reika,” you’ll need to confront Keigo about your relationship with Reika, leading to a fight.
  6. After defeating Keigo, your previous choice to either insult him or profess your love to Reika affects the outcome:
    • “I Love Reika” + Observing: Reika walks in, cements her break up with Keigo, and allows you to start a scene with her.
    • “I just wanna k*ll her” + Observing: Reika walks in and breaks off her relationship with both of you, ending the questline.
  7. If you k*ll Keigo in either option, Reika walks in and asks what happened to him. Both truth and lie options lead to a Reika romance, and you receive Keigo’s locket (2x player DMG dealt to enemies).

By following these steps and making the appropriate choices, you can successfully recruit Reika and Keigo as followers in Mad Island and even pursue a romance with Reika as the Male MC.