This article describes how to Add or Transfer VDOM to other Virtual HA Cluster
This is the error code visible when it is not possible to add a VDOM on a separate Virtual HA cluster:
Node_check_object fail! for hbdev port15 <----- HA cluster heartbeat link. Node_check_object fail! for hbdev port16 <----- HA cluster heartbeat link. Invalid value port15 Invalid value port16 <Vdom name>cant be removed from the current vcluster, because it contains vdom-link.
This error refers to the VDOM links associated with the VDOM to transfer or add to a different Virtual HA cluster.
Add VDOM A to Virtual HA Cluster 2.
Remove all VDOM links of VDOM A that are associated with different VDOMS. Remove all references to the VDOM links such as Firewall Policy, Static route, and other references to be able to remove the VDOM links:
Technical Tip: How to Check Referenced Objects
When VDOM A’s VDOM link is connected with other VDOMS, FortiGate will not add/transfer VDOM A to other Virtual Cluster as VDOM links are currently in use. Changes on the Virtual HA cluster will be discarded.