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How to Fix Slow Macro-Enabled Excel Workbook Opening

Encounter slow opening of macro-enabled Excel workbooks? This guide provides efficient solutions to improve the startup speed of Excel with macros on Windows 10.

Excel users may experience slow opening times for macro-enabled workbooks stored in the XLSTART folder. This article addresses the issue and offers practical solutions.


The presence of a macro-enabled .xlsb file in the XLSTART folder can significantly slow down the opening of Excel, especially on Windows 10 systems.


Enhance the startup speed of Excel with these steps:

Solution 1: Optimize Excel Startup

  • Move the .xlsb file out of the XLSTART folder.
  • Run Excel as an administrator to bypass potential permission issues.

Solution 2: System-Specific Adjustments

For Windows 10:

  • Check for any pending updates that may improve performance.
  • Adjust Excel’s Trust Center settings to streamline macro processing.

Additional Considerations

  • Compare the performance on Windows 11 and Windows 10.
  • Ensure consistency in Office versions and security settings across systems.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: Will moving the .xlsb file affect its functionality?

Answer: No, it will still function normally when opened manually.

Question: Can running Excel as admin pose security risks?

Answer: It can, so ensure proper security measures are in place.


Slow opening of macro-enabled Excel workbooks can be mitigated by optimizing the XLSTART folder and system settings. These adjustments contribute to a smoother Excel experience.

Disclaimer: The solutions provided are based on common scenarios and may not apply to all situations. Users should exercise caution and seek professional advice if necessary.